Yen falls to 148 range vs. dollar in Tokyo, lowest in 10 months

Yen falls to 148 range vs. dollar in Tokyo, lowest in 10 months

  1. Increase your rate BOJ!

    Well, why would they increase the rate and make the government pays more interest on their 290% debt to GDP!

    160yen and J-inc will have record profit!

  2. Thankfully my life savings is in USD. I’ve lived through 75JPY:1USD. That being said prices are slowly going up here for sure. Not as bad as the US, but they are rising.

  3. All my American friends from high school are visiting Japan. Japanese can’t afford to leave their general vicinity. Anybody got any quality of life statistics? Luckily most of my money is in USD, but I won’t be here like. Feels like a money sink.

  4. Sad to see honestly that they couldn’t care less and even want it to happen. No one wants imported stuff when it costs 30 percent more than last year. Great for Japan exports…..yay?

    The thing is that it’s more important it stays basically the same. Even after 2 years of dealing with this, it’s the large swings that are the worst.

    148 is completely terrible. Pretty soon we’ll be exchanging wheelbarrows of money for a loaf of bread.

  5. Lol, my bonus is in stocks. The company is doing well but the parent company is listen on the Japanese exchange, so these exchange rates are eating all of those gains.

  6. Folks ain’t up in arms about this right now cuz a bunch of their bills are subsidized by the govt. I like the subsidies, but how long can the govt keep footing the bill?

  7. Had a substantial raise this year for it to be completely cancelled out and then some by the exchange rate. I think next year is a purely domestic travel year for me. This year was harsh traveling abroad.

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