So, the android version of mobile Suica is only in Japanese, fair enough, my Japanese not being the greatest, I have a question about which option to choose.
There are 3 options
1.通勤/オフピーク (時差通勤) 定期券
Commuting/off-peak (staggered commuting) commuter pass
green commuter pass
3.通学定期券School commuter pass
Now obviously I’m not a student and I want to be able to use the train at any time of the day, but I certainly don’t need green class cars. Is this just a way os saying regular commuter pass? Is option 2 the correct choice?
Thanks in advance!
I haven’t used this app, but it sounds like the first option is for commuting OR off-peak passes. You probably don’t want a green commuter pass.
Correct choice is #1 for normal commuter pass. Then you will have the option to choose off-peak or not.