Weekly Praise Thread – 22 September 2023

It’s that time of the week again. Please boast and share about the good things that have happened to you this past week!

  1. Snagged exactly the kind of T-shirt I’d been looking for for ¥275, including tax.

    Middle-of-the-pack-in-most-things child got a second award for leadership. Nor we, nor our child had a hint it would happen.

  2. The English specialist at elementary school suddenly decided to have the speech test yesterday since all the 6th graders were there and Covid and flu are currently ravaging the other schools, with ours likely to succumb next. We gave them one class period to practice and add in extra questions themselves (like “I like meat, do you like meat?”) and at the last minute decided to ask them questions as well. The junior high students (out of this elementary school) usually struggled with answering questions after their speeches, so I was nervous, but omg these 6th graders blew it out of the water. Basically everyone remembered their speech in full, asked the extra questions, and answered MULTIPLE extra questions entirely in English. I have never seen anything like it in any of the 8 grades I’ve taught. Glad the teacher stopped underestimating them and the kids absolutely rose to the challenge we gave them. I’m so proud of the kiddos!

  3. A complaint that’s too rare and funny to me to really complain.

    I used Ahamo, it’s fine, outgoing domestic calls are free up to five minutes.

    I rarely call anyone directly, but when I do, I watch the timer, and as soon as it goes over five minutes, in my head I hear, in the voice of Khan from King of the Hill shout “Ah! You cost me money!”

    I’m looking at you, bank.

  4. Looking on Amazon just now I found something called 究極のおにぎり – it’s only an おにぎり centrifuge!

    I don’t think I’ll ever run out of bonkers products to be surprised by here, and I love it

  5. Visited sapporo for the weekend and really enjoyed the trip. Stayed at an S tier hostel and met many interesting foreigners and locals alike. The autumn festival was such a treat – extremely large and well organized. Booths that ran for kilometers and people in large amounts all having a jolly time. Night life in sapporo is also amazing as the rumors state.

  6. Did the formal procedures to apply for accommodations for my ADHD at school. There was a teacher present and I’m extra grateful for that- being able to explain myself and the accommodations I want and why in person.

    The fact that I’m still alive

    The fact that I have parents and a family that I can talk to. My sister’s arriving next week and it’s comforting to finally have family around.

  7. The temperature isn’t forecasted to hit 30 or above for the rest of the month in and around Sendai.

  8. Went to our favorite local ramen shop, the kind where every time we go, we’re reminded that we don’t go often enough. As soon as we walk in, the owner pours some beers and runs outside and puts up the closed sign. We were shocked he’d be closed already, he just opened at 6 and it was only 6:15. Basically said he was swamped with customers because of the three day holiday and would rather take it easy chatting and drinking with us than dealing with anyone else for the night (although also it sounded like he was running low on ingredients lol). He remember my usual order despite it being months and added extra spice because he knows I like spicy foods, and even threw in gyoza as a service. What a winner.

  9. Having access to SMBC credit card details online (number, security code, expiry date) is so great.

    Had to block my credit card and issue a new one, started to feel anxious about waiting 1 or 2 weeks ago to get the new card. Turns out I got all the details online right away so I can do all digital payments before receiving the physical card.

    What a time to be alive!

  10. My father in law thinks he’s being smooth.
    He called me earlier in the week saying he’s got a Makita hedge trimmer that he needs to get rid of since he prefers the manual kind.
    I went over today on my lunch break to pick it up and just as I was about to leave, as an afterthought, he asked if I could possibly come and listen to the instructions when his new tractor arrives next Friday. Apparently there are too many buttons nowadays so he wants me to listen and then just teach him what he needs to know.
    I thought it was cute that he went through the trouble of setting the whole scam up.

  11. Hitting the jackpot on my shopping finds this week. Snagged some Reese’s puffs cereal earlier this week for less than what normal granola usually goes for and today I found the apple pie ice cream that someone posted about a while ago at a local drugstore.

  12. My kid stumped his English teacher the other day. Apparently ‘scrumptious’ was past her vocabulary and she had to check with the ALT. (He used ‘abomination’ a couple months ago and the ALT said he wanted to give him an 11/10 for it.) Makes me happy to see things are sinking in (even if it’s not exactly what I expected!)

  13. Looks like the weather is gonna be good in Suzuka this weekend. Going to watch F1, and not really looking forward to the tragedy that was last year’s race.

  14. -Killed it at a presentation today, they thought my ideas were good!!

    -caught the RGG Summit livestream on Wednesday

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