Ingrown toenail issue, drugstore recs?

Sorry gross subject but I have an ingrown toenail at the moment and it hurts to walk. I try soaking it and putting antiseptic ointment on it, putting a rolled up bit of tissue under the nail so it hurts less… but it still hurts. I’ve seen you can get tape for ingrown toenails here, are these effective? Is there anything else you recommend for ingrowns in drugstores? Would really appreciate any advice, thank you

  1. I find wires provide the best and instant relief, although maybe painful to put on if your tissue is infected.


    Best to look for a doctor that does nail braces, but expensive because not covered by national health insurance.

  2. I would see a doctor. I’ve had many procedures done in order to stop mine from coming back. While home remedies work for some, they usually come back again and again. Had my last procedure done about 4 years ago haven’t had an issue since.

  3. Gotta get the side of the nail cut out dude. Go to the doctor. They’ll anaesthetise the toe then cut down the middle of the nail and pull out the pointy bit digging into the side of the toe. It’s called shard resection. They can treat the nail bed too so it won’t come back.

    You can also cut the nail and leverage out the shard at home too with some good nail scissors, stiff tweezers, disinfectant and some ointment. Hurts like a son of a bitch but it’s a big time saver, gets easier every time too I promise.

  4. Go to a dermatologist. You’ll be in and out in 5 minutes. They’ve seen nastier feet, so don’t worry. You’ll get a prescription for a cream ( I don’t remember the name unfortunately) and it should do the trick.

  5. I’ve had an ingrown toenail issue since about high school, and I’ve had the nail bed on the ingrown part killed off but then the new edge started curling in again and doctors have said that it looks like if they kill the nail bed again it will just continue happen. Then they took a large gauged needle, and bored a little hold on either side of my toenail and inserted a piece of sprung steel. This has honestly been great, now I keep my nails short but if it starts to curl in, I pop down to the local clinic and they put the wire on for me, which reshapes the toe nail, then by the time it’s grown out and I need to trim it I can just take the wire out and I’m good for a few more months.

    I’ve also seen these:



    They are more discrete, and I think they are reusable, but I remember thinking that compared to this the wire was still cheaper.

  6. If you are in Tokyo go and see Dr Josselyne Gourret. She is a podiatrist and she is in meguro. Ingrown nails are painful, I would rather go hungry than go through that. It will effect your life.
    She is fantastic and doesn’t fuck around.speaks English.
    Tel – 0337936412

  7. you… get it taken out dude lol….

    medicine isnt going to fix your toenail. you go see a professional to get it removed.

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