92-year-old cyclist to almost cause a fatal accident by running the red light



  1. Almost exactly the same thing happened to me and my friend 2 years ago. The elderly woman just swerve into ongoing traffic leaving a shop on the side of the street. We had to brake very suddenly to avoid wiping her out. And caused the car in the back to rear end us.

    She turned around, seeing what she’s done; and tried to flee the scene. A really good kid stopped her and hold her and her bike there until the police arrive (all the while crying, begging, screaming its not her fault).

    Police came and luckily the car in the back had a car cam installed (our is a cheap rental, no such thing). They went to the hospital to get a report while we left and have the police deal with her.

    Ended up going to court over this, she avoided going to the court every single time, and because it’s a civil court it’s “our responsibility to inform and make her come to the court”????
    Any way the judge ruled in our favor, and she had to pay for the compensation (at least what we paid the rental to fix the rear bumper). She’s been dodging us ever since, neighbor claimed she come back to her place once every couple months to collect welfare check, but doesn’t stay in her registered address any more.

    But yeah, moral of the story, they don’t give a fuxk and there is nothing one can do but to pray you don’t encounter these scums.

    Edit: not Saitama, but Kanagawa. Pretty much the same thing.

  2. >Looking at the cyclist, we can see that he did not look over his shoulders to check the road conditions and just proceeded to enter the intersection **without paying any attention to his surroundings.**

    So how is that different to any other Japanese cyclist? They’ll cycle along the pavement and then jump into the road if their way is blocked, without so much as a cursory glance to see if there’s a car approaching.

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