Daily Boss Super Premium Deluxe Stupid Questions Thread – 22 September 2023

Now daily! Feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not-so-silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Almost midday and this has zero questions. Seems like everyone prefers to post their individual questions as a dedicated thread, rather than in here…

  2. Anyone got a recommendation for a shampoo that smells herb-y?

    Just want a switch up from shampoo that smells like shampoo, i.e., soap.

  3. One would think that daily 10,000+ steps for nearly a decade would build some stamina to make 10,000 steps easy, but instead it’s just making my hips feel like they will fall off. What would cause a decrease in stamina when performing the same exercise over and over? Isn’t that…..the opposite of what’s supposed to happen?

  4. PayPay now seems to charge 250yen to do a top up, unless I’m completely misreading my bill. Anyone else notice this? I am done with PayPay if top ups are no longer free.

  5. I’m so tired of those scammers that now coming everyday to my WhatsApp. I blocked them one by one everyday but they kept coming back with different numbers. Did the “I don’t speak English” with various languages (non Japanese and non mother tongue) yet they still annoy me.

    How can I make them blacklist me from their database? I wanna use some profanities from various languages… but couldn’t bring myself to do it. Felt so meanie so I didn’t do it.

    do you have any suggestions?

  6. People who have a garbage disposal in their sink – do you let the thing run until it turns itself off, or do you turn it off when you hear the food has gone?

    I used to turn it off early but it would sometimes beep at me so I started letting it run its course… I’ve never had one before so basically have no idea lol

  7. I’m a dispatch ALT, it sucks and I’m making an exit plan. Part of the employment contract I signed says I have to give 30 days prior notice of resignation. What can they do to me if I don’t give 30 days notice?

  8. Lowest quote I got from moving companies is 16man (incl packing) . Does it sound legit for a couple living in a 2ldk (70sqm)? We have a bunch of stuff but the new place is less than 10km away. Big caveat is the new place were moving in is on 3rd floor without elevator.

    Just got 3 quotes, wondering if worth haggling more.

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