Cannot remove old Toto shower hose, any suggestions?

I soaked it in vinegar all night, have had a strong dude try to twist the hose off, have used grippers and rubber gloves and no matter what it will not even budge. I’m dying to replace it for a filtered one since my hair has been dry as hell and falling out in massive clumps since moving here (I’m a girl). I have googled and googled and I have no idea what to do. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

  1. Have you asked the management company/landlord? In a lot of cases, they’ll send someone out to help.

  2. On the side of the faucet, so you can replace both the hose and the shower head? In that case, you may try to spray it with WD40, let it sit, and then use a pair of long channel locks (water pump pliers) or a pipe wrench, and a measured bit of force (maybe better ask someone, who knows, how to do this). If it is too corroded, you might destroy the faucet like that.

    It may be best to go the long way round and ask your landlord to do it for you.

  3. Um, further to others’ excellent responses, you’re definitely twisting it the right way?

    Lefty loosey, righty tighty, and all that.

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