It’s been only few months since i came to japan. I am from 3rd rate country(financially poor)

As i said finance is the biggest problem. My visa is 学生 right now. Last few days i think i will just work till my visa is over.Because school fee, house rent, living expense plus i have to send money to my monthly income is around 13万円(28hour per week). 4.5万 for house rent 4千 for phone bill 5万 for school fee. Basically little over 3万. There is also transportation fee plus living expense. It’s near impossibly to send money to my home.
So question is Do you guys have any idea how to get more pocket money like how to increase my income as a student. If i can’t i will just work for one year and go back to my country. Japan is way too expensive for people like me

  1. Make sure you apply for a work permit first because a student visa alone doesn’t grant you permission to work in Japan. I’m not sure how else you’d get money other than financial aid from your school but I’m assuming you’ve already looked into that.

  2. Do you have to send money home? I mean is it a mandatory expense or could whoever is receiving the money give you time/lower their need until you are done? I imagine it is your family – and if they are not in dire need right now, letting you make it til graduation and finding a stable job would be a good investment.

    Also, did you include health insurance in your mock-up?

    and, it would be wise to save some up because right after graduation you need to find a job. Job hunting will consume money (transportation, outfit, sending applications) and when successful, you will likely have to finance a move.

    Other than that. You can only cut living expenses, which includes the phone. Is the phone a contract and too late to consider to cut? I am out of the loop what the latest options are, but a prepaid one and all internet via the laptop/PC (whatever you go to school with) might cut some 1000s per month.

    Other big living expense one is food. If you cook and prep yourself, you can live on quite a low budget. Do you know about the trick that supermarkets give reductions at certain hours (or when products are to expire)? if you have a freezer or learn how to make those foods more durable, then you can save some.

    Is the 13man income all from 28 hours??? I was going to suggest to try to look up your hourly rate if you can.

    ETA in case your part time job is not giving you those nearly 5000/ hour alone and you have a normal part time job; do you have a food based one? I literally only survived because my waitress part time came with a meal after the shift “to learn the taste and be better to inform the guests”, and from several friends I know that combini part time sometimes gifts expiring goods etc. if you dont have such job yourself, befriend someone who has and they can give you the excess, if there is some.

  3. With student visa, how much time you’re allowed to work is limited. The common rate for baito is ¥1000 per hour, but occasionally you can find ones that offer higher fees. So to maximize how much you earn, i’d say you gotta look at more places than restaurant jobs. for example when I was a student I worked as an English teacher in a daycare and the pay was ¥2500 per hour.

  4. It might be a bit more complex but if you can tap into the tourism service jobs like being a tour guide or translator for Americans or Western Europeans then it could potentially be very lucrative.

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