I’ve been wanting to incorporate Yomichan into one of my tools for extracting unknown vocab and kanji from immersion material. Thing is I’m not sure when in my studying stage should I do this. I’m still currently doing 2k core with Anki, plus Wani Kani. I’m at the N5 level with a decent amount of N4 covered. My question is, should I sentence/vocab mine when I finish the core Anki deck?
IMO once you know 2k words and some grammar you are certainly ready
I started even earlier than that at like maybe 1250 words or something and genki I/II grammar and besides having to look up about a million words and ask questions online about some sentences I didn’t understand, it was totally fine
I think it’s OK to start right away, but my recommendation is that you use frequency data (you can download the JPDB frequency data for Yomichan; that’s probably the easiest thing) to decide which unknown vocab you’re going to sentence mine. Mine the common words; skip the uncommon ones until later.