Guarantor for cousin planning to change to Visa

I, with a 3-year work visa, am the guarantor for my cousin who’s going to study at a language school here (already has her flight and visa, arriving next week).

Now as for me, I have fortunately been accepted and granted a scholarship for a master’s degree program here. Taking into consideration the coming costs and time, I am thinking of changing to a student visa.

No problem with money and cost of living since we both have enough money and savings on our plus we’re planning to get a part-time job to support ourselves.

My questions are:

(1) Will my cousin’s visa immediately get affected if I(her guarantor)change to a student visa? Like any way the immigration can trace and will trace it?

(2) Or will there be a chance they deny my student visa instead?

(3) If the answer is No, then will it be affected if she applies for a visa extension as a student in the future?

I know I should ask her school about this, and I eventually will but it seems like a sensitive question, just taking my chances here first.

  1. You are literally just a person residing in Japan that told immigration “I promise this person will not be nefarious if they come to Japan”.

    That’s the extent of you being a guarantor. You have 0 affect on your cousins visa – you’re not the establishment that sponsored their visa for them.

    It also has no affect on your visa. It’s literally just you vetting the person, nothing else. You’re not sponsoring their visa or doing a money guarantee where you are on the hook for anything your cousin doesn’t pay. You’ve done your vetting so your job is done. Though you can and probably should still be their emergency contact person.

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