BYOB restaurants in Tokyo?

Any recommendations for restaurants in Tokyo that have BYOB (preferably without corkage fee)? I usually order favorite wines online, and found my favorite wines at restaurants rather overpriced.

  1. I know many they will let you open your own with a corkage fee and none they won’t. Is that acceptable anywhere?

  2. The only place I’ve seen this was at a seafood place located under the raised railroad tracks around Shinbashi. Sorry I don’t remember the name… but that might be a good place to look

    Edit: the fastest way would probably be to google [location][ドリンク持ち込み可] or some variation of this and see what comes up.

  3. > I usually order favorite wines online, and found my favorite wines at restaurants rather overpriced.

    Did you know that you can also save a lot of money by cooking at home? You can buy all the same ingredients as the restaurant, but you save a truckload of money! It’s an amazing life hack.

    It’s almost like restaurants make money by selling food & drink at marked up prices. What a strange idea…

  4. So you want to bring a posh bottle of wine from home and pay them nothing except for food (in a country with no service charge) while you sit and get pissed. Seems fair.

  5. Typically speaking businesses need to make a profit to you know…stay in business. So if you want that local restaurant to stay in business you drink the wine they have on offer…

    BYOB with corkage for sure, without it…good luck.

  6. This thread is full of morons giving you business and jeering lifestyle advice, while showing they are completely ignorant to the fact that this is a common practice around the world. Sorry I don’t have a suggestion other than to ignore these idiots.

  7. I’ve had a few drinking parties where they let us bring a big bottle of sake in, but it was likely because we were already doing the course meal with all you can drink.

  8. Sounds like somebody’s got a case of the mondays, lol

    Cheap or not, the word “preferably” was used – I’m okay paying a small fee.

    I just learned I can bring in my wine to Barbacoa, as long as we order nomihodai.

    Thanks all for all the great suggestions

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