Garbage sorting – full bottles of sauce, shampoo etc?

Hoping for some wisdom that’s not covered by the garbage sorting pamphlet I got (Nerima-ku). What should I do with mostly-full bottles of things like sauce and shampoo where tipping it down the drain would probably spawn monsters in the pipes?

Pamphlet rightly assumes that bottles are at least mostly empty by the time they should be thrown away, these are just rare cases—I swear I’m not usually such a wasteful person. The sauce is a gift that was way spicier than I can handle, and has since expired; the shampoo gave me mad dandruff for some reason. I’ve been hanging on to both for more than a year now because I don’t know what to do with them…

Tip into triple plastic baggies and chuck those into combustibles? It’s more than I could soak up with paper towels.

  1. Throw sauce down the toilet and use shampoo as soap. Then throw empty containers into glass/plastic garbage

  2. Do not put anything in your toilet except human waste and toilet paper. Not sure why that’s the top suggestion here. Just throw the contents into the burnable garbage and put the bottle into whatever garbage it’s supposed to be in. Dump it out into a small plastic kitchen bag before throwing it in your garbage can if you’re worried about leaking or smelling. If the bottle is also burnable garbage then just toss the thing out without dumping it out.

  3. Empty the bottles into the burnable trash. I usually just wrap it in old papers that are going in there anyways to avoid leakage.

  4. If you used the shampoo as intended, it would still go down the drain. If you used the sauce as intended, you would still rinse the plate. Both shampoo and sauce, (soap and foodstuff) are safe for pipes. Just rinse them down the drain with plenty of water.

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