How do I befriend the cats.

Lots of cats in the area I live. I see them every morning on my way to the station. Super fluffy and cute. Ive been growing and using catnip so they’ve started become interested but not enough for hugs or pets. Anyone have any luck taming them? Any advice?

  1. Please, don’t. They leave dead rats/mice around people’s homes that they’ve killed for fun. Let them be vermin elsewhere.

  2. On a rainy day, go wait by your local bus stop. You will see a guy named Mr. To T. Ro. He will hook you up with a ride on the cat bus

  3. Buy some cat treats at the home center, throw treats at cats (if they aren’t immediately scared of you and run away). It might take a bit for shy cats but they will learn you have treats and start running toward you.

  4. There’s a cat that has been coming to my share house for a long time now. We fed him for like a year, and then one day he suddenly decided he wanted to be petted and even comes inside to chill.

    These things take time ☠️

  5. Just be careful, and I’d advise the same to anyone living in an urban area, and especially near a high foot traffic area. Befriending the strays there might make them less cautious where it comes to the wrong sort of person, too. I live not far from a secluded but fairly busy stepway that strays seem to like to live around. Yeah, sure, baachan turns up to feed them sometimes, and that’s very nice – but there are also beastly, sadistic high school students that have attacked them before while coming and/or going from school. This may not happen in your area, OP, but it’s something that CAN happen, so it’s generally better if they’re not so willing to approach humans.

  6. Any cats that are outside are strays. No one lets their cat out of the house, especially in urban areas.

  7. Nah, cats in Japan are very skittish. 8 years in Japan and I am still sad that there is no universal way to “call” cats here. In my country a vast majority of cats on the streets will run up to you and start rubbing against your legs once they hear you say “ks-ks” or “ps-ps”.

  8. My advice is to call whatever agency takes care of stray cats in your neighborhood and have them all neutered. It starts with a few and after a couple of years you end up with a couple dozen of them leaving droppings all over the place and making a hell’a noise at night.

  9. Only if you are Chosen, the cats will approach you. I still remember the glorious moment our little shy cat decided that I , as the only member of our household, was Chosen by Her after 3 years as worthy to be used as a lap to sit on. How betrayed I felt when madame did the exact same thing to my friend at her first visit to our home. Mine loves Ciao Ciao and listening to Ancient Egyptian Cat Worship music from YouTube so there’s an idea 🐈

  10. Every cat has an individual tendency. Each one is very different, even the ones are born in the same place, same time and same mother. In my experiences, 3 colors 三毛猫, Black-white two-tone, zebras are friendly than Black, Siam/Thai, and long hair Persian. However, takes a long time to get to know each other with even the friendliest one.

    When the cats allow you to touch, they will touch you from behind.

  11. Here’s what you do :

    – Watch Batman Returns and pay attention to how Catwoman did it!

    Thank me later!

  12. Practice grammar and Vocab daily, cats hang outside your local izakaya, there mostly social after a few… what ever it is there drinking.

  13. I gradually built up trust by giving him milk and space, then working up to dry food to eventually him knowing the sound of my car parking and bolting out to say hello and get belly rubs.

    Then some sour cunt rang one of my schools and complained to the principal that I was feeding cats. I thanked him for the information and said that it really isn’t his problem and if the neighbour had an issue, they should come see me directly.

    This fuggin’ country and tattling on people to their places of work is just infuriating.

  14. I sometimes wonder if the cats are racist. I’ve never been rejected by cats like I have been in japan.

    One cat at Fushimi Inari sat in my lap for like 45 mins, though. Felt like I’d been graced by the Japanese cat gods.

  15. I didn’t appreciate this until recently, but there’s a big difference between a cat that once had a home (a stray) and a cat that’s lived outside its whole life with no owner (a feral cat). Apparently the feral cats can be socialized if you get them as kittens before the ~3-4 month mark, but later than that and it’s often impossible. I’ve heard anecdotal stories of success on reddit but it usually took a long time and a very patient person, fyi.

  16. As someone who is living in an area plagued by 20+ strays that people regularly come and feed because “aww poor cats!!!!”, do NOT feed strays, they are a nuisance.

  17. Other people have made good points about potentially creating problems with neighbours if you feed strays but socialising strays makes it far easier for them to be trapped, neutered and released. Thus reducing the overall stray problem. If you can get in contact with a local organisation then they may even be able to adopt or foster out the most sociable ones.

    As for making friends, consistency is important. Try to interact a couple of times a week with treats. Let them get used to your presence while they eat so they learn you’re safe.
    Choose a noise that you can vocalise (like a chirp or whistle) and consistently make that noise when approaching and feeding the cats. They’ll associate the noise with you and be more likely to approach even if they can’t see you, since they rely more on sound/smell than sight to recognise other creatures.
    Keep in mind that if you’re very successful you might end up with a couple of permanent pets like me!

  18. Invest in animal handling and learn the talk with animals spell

    Edit: ok not the bg3 subreddit. But still do that

  19. Your neighbors are going to hate you, stray cats are a real issue in Japan. Rip the trash bags apart and pee on everything. The aggressive males also love meowing at the top of there lungs if they smell a female in heat. If you befriend the cats please keep them
    In your custody, don’t just attract more to the neighborhood 😂

  20. My cat befriended me, aggressively followed me home for months until he moved in for good. Kind of like how our grandparents met back in the day

  21. Inaba churu treat paste. Works like a charm, even on feral cats. They even sell an extended plastic spoon to feed cats who don’t like contact. When the weather is tough I give the neighborhood strays kibble mixed with katsuobushi, and also churu treat paste. Also planted a giant crop of catnip outside my door.

  22. Step 1: get old, like really old

    Step 2: get a gang, like of other old folks

    Step 3: show up every evening, rain or shine, blaze or freeze, after sunset, in the same area with trees and shrubs for cats to hide and leave small offerings of food. Obv. bring little stainless steel bowls or plates and clean up when they are done.

    Step 4: get in touch with the trap, neuter, release organisation in your area

  23. In Europe, Germany, I also had to befriend cats. After I talked with the vet about it. He said I should buy „feliway friends“ and that’s what I did. It actually worked. No productplacement sadly. But if you can find something like that in your country maybe that will help.

    Additionally I kept the cats in my flat with me. But with enough space for the cats to not be confronted with one another the whole time. So keep all doors open in the flat if possible. In my case it was 3 cats, but only one cat was really stressed, so that cat had her own room at night with cat toilet and food station. After a week of getting used to eachother and feliway friends I was able to let the door of the issue cat open at night. Most importantly you need time, cats take a lot of time of getting used to eachother. Depends on the character, in my case it took about 3 months. And it’s still not perfect but they can handle it.

    I really hope this helps you. Good luck.

    P.S. one of the non issue cat actually is a cat that is very human focused and therefore pisses on my bed sometimes to let me know she is pissed 🙂 you really need a heart of gold to stay calm with cat behavior. Always remember there is a reason for everything.

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