Well, this just made me sad.

Well, this just made me sad.

  1. I prey to God they offer him a good deal where he can wrestle overseas while working in new japan.

  2. I feel would be a terrible fit for wwe. AEW he would have bangers ofc but not really an ideal fit either

    I think he’s better off in Japan

  3. I mean, I understand we’re Nakajima is coming from, from a performers’ point of view, so it makes sense that he wants to do it, but please please PLEASE I pray he doesn’t go to WWE cause we saw how that went for Kenta and Kushida so please for the love of lord I hope he goes to either AEW or Impact

  4. Isn’t this exactly what happened with Ishimori? Quit NOAH, was reported as going to WWE, then signs with New Japan.

    Don’t forget that Tokyo Sports occasionally runs worked articles. This could very well be one of them.

  5. Completely understandable if he wants to branch out. But you’d think he would have learned from Kushida and Sarree.

    Most of the Japanese talent that found success in the US found a way to connect with the crowd. Whether that be english-fluent like Takeshita, or a magnetic personality like Maki Itoh and Shinsuke Nakamura. I don’t wanna say that he shouldn’t try, but the tools to succeed there are different than Japan.

  6. We’ll see if he really tries to do that but he’s a terrible fit for American wrestling. I guess it would end up like KENTA, Sareee or KUSHIDA. He’ll realize it’s not for him and he’ll come back.

  7. Yeah fuck this guy trying to spread his wings and work somewhere new! Eat shit for not doing what I want you to do even if it isn’t in your best interest!

  8. Nakajima is one wrestler I just can’t see succeeding in America. Occasional appearances where he shows up a few times a year, has a banger, and leaves? Absolutely. But between his reputation for being the stiffest wrestler in the game today and for apparently being a massive dick in general, I can’t see any promotion in America really wanting to take the risk in signing him.

  9. They are just speculating, he did not say anything about this himself.

    They speculate like what we are doing over here.

    But, not so fun speculations, no.

  10. yeah good luck with that, he’s gonna knock out some random dude with an AI generated name in the performance center and that’ll be the end of that.

  11. AEW has no use for him, and WWE would be a terrible fit. Hopefully this is just Tokyo Sports “working.”

  12. After he shot on Endo, I doubt AEW would take him due to Kenny’s connection with Endo. WWE might take him. They won’t have trouble cutting him if he tries to pull that shit over there.

    I say fuck it, let him go to WWE. He already shot on one company’s main eventer, I don’t want him shooting on Okada or Tsuji or anyone else in njpw just because he thinks they may not be legit irl.

  13. Can he even work the same style if he goes to WWE ? I imagine he’ll have lots of heat with his style cause how he’s legit KO’d some

  14. I don’t think anyone from WWE or AEW can handle Nakajima’s style of wrestling. I mean, who in their right mind would want to tell him to “slow the fuck down?”

  15. This comment thread is super disappointing to me. Just a bunch of people screaming “AMERICA BAD” like they can see the future. Super mark behaviour.

  16. I will say people are really underrating Nakajima’s charisma. Hilariously enough, I think he’d fit better in WWE than AEW. He doesn’t need to speak shit, his body mannerisms and natural swagger are top tier stuff and that level of showmanship is what WWE would prefer. Give him a manager like Paul Heyman and he can shine.

    Unfortunately, there’s also no doubt that he definitely has a ceiling in any American company. His charisma and mannerisms are great, yes, but they’re not Shinsuke Nakamura level, and he’s definitely doing alright, but not at a top level that he should be at.

    He CAN do great if WWE would be willing to let him and give him the resources to succeed. Unfortunately, they won’t. If he’s fine being stuck in the midcard or god forbid a jobber, then sure.

    Wherever he goes, he needs to keep his theme though.

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