I still think about that 7/11 spicy chicken, lettuce and yogurt sandwich

Someone posted about it here a while ago. It was legit the best conbini sandwich I’ve ever had, but only lasted a couple weeks before they discontinued it apparently. And I only ever found it at one 7/11 in my area, too.

The worst thing is there’s been nothing to replace it. They haven’t had any unique sandwiches that I’ve found since then, just the usual stuff. Why do the best ones have to be limited time only?

  1. There are always limited time sandwiches, like recently there was a taco meat sandwich lol, this kind of stuff usually just lasts a few weeks.

    If you don’t see any limited edition stuff, it’s either that the sevens in your area suck at stocking them up, or that you go too late and they get sold out (try checking around 10:30-11am)

  2. Their sandwiches in general look great but they are now basically 500 yen each.
    I can get half a kilogram of chicken thighs for that…

  3. Does anyone remember a chicken parm sandwich at FamilyMart? This would be around spring/summer 2018 if I’m remembering correctly. It was incredibly good, but I’ve started to wonder if I imagined it since I’ve never heard anyone mention it and I only ever found it that one time (at a random store around Amagasaki, between Kobe and Osaka).

  4. I can’t eat conbini sandwiches because they’re always drowning in mayo. Family mart had a ham katsu pan recently that only had karashi mustard and that was awesome.

  5. Welcome to the heartbreak of conbini snacks. 1st rule is when u find something great is binge on it

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