King Arthur AP flour?

Anyone know of a store between Osaka and Tokyo where they sell King Arthur All-Purpose flour? I’ve checked online and it’s either too pricey or a gluten-free version I don’t want.

I’ve read that 中力粉 can be a substitute. I have some American recipes that I’d like to make, has anyone had any success? Should I go to a Tomiz or could I find it at my local grocery?

Thanks for your insights…

  1. Haven’t seen that specific brand for sale in stores in Japan. For US brand flour, I’ve seen Bob’s Red Mill at National Azabu.

    Tomiz should definitely have lots of options. A chart of their flours can be found here:

    King Arthur all-purpose flour is apparently around 11.7% protein content, so theoretically something around that should perform similarly. I’ve personally used 日清-brand 中力粉 (“雪”) for US recipes that call for all-purpose flour without any issues, and it can be purchased rather cheaply online. But you may need to experiment depending on the texture you are going for.

  2. Buy bread flower and cake flour and mix them 50/50 and you’ll get a reasonable approximation of US all purpose flour.

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