Searching for videos by word comprehension

Hey fellow language learners!

Since I started learning Japanese and using Refold, I’ve encountered a challenge in finding immersive content where I understand enough words to stay engaged. That’s why I put together a small website that allows you to input your known Japanese words and a search term. It then searches YouTube videos with Japanese closed captions and shows you how much you comprehend. It’s completely free but currently limited in functionality and may have some bugs. However, since it’s been helpful to me, I thought it might benefit others too.
To acquire words, I currently export all my Anki cards that are scheduled and format them as a comma-separated list. In the future, I’m exploring the possibility of enabling direct uploads of Anki Decks for added convenience.
If you get a message saying no results could be found try to adjust your search term to analyse a different set of youtube videos. This happens because the first few videos found for your search term may not include any closed captions in Japanese.

You can checkout the website under [](

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