
Hi everybody i start to study japanese One month ago and i learnd all hiragana to read and i think to reconize less than 20 kanji. I want to complite the level n5 for decembre, i hope. I’m here to find people to write with and train with daily conversations to train and who knows maybe make new friends so

はじめまして 私わ Siero です。 ぼく は イタリア人, 三十 さいです よろしく おねがいします。

  1. こんにちは、シエロさん。初めまして。私の名前マシューです。よろしくおねがいします。おげんきですか

  2. これを見ると、日本語能力試験 N5級を受験したときのことを思い出します。N4はまだまだです。

  3. おはようございます*

    One thing you should learn is that the barrier between casual speaking and formal speaking is very very different compared to the west.

    In my experience, unless it’s someone you grew up with, went to school with (and were the same age or older than during that time), you use です/ます. People who meet each other in adulthood, work together closely for literally years, go out drinking together, visit each other’s homes, etc., still do not speak each other using casual Japanese.

    I know I know, we all desperately want to speak “naturally”. I promise, there’s nothing more *unnatural* than speaking to someone whom you haven’t known since at least university-age casually. People might tell you that you don’t need to use です/ます… That’s gaijin privilege. You can use it if you want to, sure. No one will hold it against you… Probably…

    If someone is *significantly* younger than you, and it’s an extremely casual setting, then maybe it’s ok to ditch desu/masu. But it coveys a certain… attitude.

    Tl;Dr, foreigners in general are too fast to adopt casual speaking with acquaintances as compared to native Japanese speakers.

  4. 初めまして、私はサド二カスです。2月から日本語を勉強しています。これは初めての自己紹介を日本語でします。よろしくおねがいします。

    I hope my introduction in japanese is right. Please correct me if i am wrong or there is better writing.


  5. タイ🇹🇭からこんいちわ、名前はベンです。高学生です。よろしくお願いします

  6. こんいちは シエロさん、フェリスシです。メキシコ人です。よろしくおねがhします。

  7. よろしくおねがいしますシエロさん!私は ガダフイです。質問があるばあいは、書いてくふぁさい!

  8. Doing good for only one month, well done!!
    Just wanted to say that you don’t need to use big spaces when writing Japanese, it’s not like English where we space the words out.


  9. おはよう、僕はマヌ。ドイツ人です。よろしくお願いします。なんで日本語を決めたんだ?もっともっと勉強ましょうね!またね。

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