

is this using the particle de? or the copula で=だ? and why does it translate as “because of”?

I’ve asked around but can’t get a clear answer on Google, nor is it broken down enough for me to understand, any help would be appreciated.

  1. I would say it’s the copula, but more context would help. This is such a common turn of phrase it’s hard to say more without knowing what’s referring to.

  2. こんなことで怒るのは、ばかばかしい。


    Something like this makes more sense in a sentence. Two examples. Hopefully they make it more clear.

    ことで = A compound particle which indicates a means or a **cause**. By V-ing; because; result in; cause (DoJG)

  3. One way to see this is that で delimits an area (logic or concrete) where something occurs. So こと is delimited (“In the area of こと” : So, こんなことで => In the area of a such thing). So the particle meaning of で seems to fit roughly the idea of your translation.

    If you think で is だ in this case, こんなことだ would simply mean something in the line of “it’s like that”, it wouldn’t be remotely close from “because of”.

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