Survey: Only 10% of young men with low incomes get married | The Asahi Shimbun

Survey: Only 10% of young men with low incomes get married | The Asahi Shimbun

  1. Finally, it seems that someone has read the Japan Fertility survey to find out that the low birthrate is due to lack of marriages, and the lack of marriages is due to the economic situation of young men (because men with a low salary do not feel they can marry, and women say they do not want marry men with a low salary).

    But raising salaries for young men will mean cutting profits for companies. Can the government do it?

  2. This is especially acute in Japan, but it’s a global trend. Children are expensive, houses are expensive, groceries are expensive. It’s not like when our parents were young. You have to make practical decisions about your life and your income. While the people are the top hoard as much wealth as they possibly can before they die.

  3. Wait. Under two million yen? That’s like…you would make more than that just doing regular baito throughout the year. I’m assuming that most of the people this applies to are uni students…doing baito…but the article also says ages 21-30. I have more questions than answers.

    >for men aged 26 to 30 who were paid 3 million yen or more a year, the marriage rate was around 40 percent.

    This seems more reasonable and more symptomatic of Japan’s problem. Yeah 40% is still low. Because three million yen is still a pretty crappy wage (trust me I have been there). In a big city you’d want five million at least, and ideally a partner (girlfriend in this case) who was also making money, before you could sensibly start thinking about having children and therefore (in most cases) marriage.

    Wages here are a fucking joke.

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