Craft Side Business??

Hi everyone!

I’ve recently started thinking about possibly turning my craft hobby (candles, soaps, handmade stuff etc)into a possible side business. The base for the soaps are bought in Japan so I’m not making it from scratch.

What I want to know is, is it possible to start this on the side without registering it to test if it would be a good venture ?

For the soaps, would I need to get them tested like skin products etc?

I would love any advice or input you guys are able give!


  1. In terms of product testing and regulations, I doubt there will be any requirements with soap and candles.

    Had a couple of friends go down this road before and the biggest challenge will be on the distribution side – postal fees, maintaining stock, handling returns etc.

    Do you plan to setup a website? How will you drive traffic to that site? If you go the online shopping sites route, are you aware of the fees involved? I imagine the margins on soap will be very low, unless you are doing it in large quantities, so expect advertising costs to eat into any profit.

  2. How much money are you looking to make with the side business? How many bars of soap would you have to sell to reach that number?

    Do you really want to make soap? You might be better off finding a local soap maker and offering to sell their product for a commission or buy it in bulk at a wholesale price.

    I think a craft side business is possible, but you might try to create something of higher value. Can you make a 10,000Â¥ item?

  3. My informations are a little old (3-4 years ago), but normally you can create a company for 1yen and just have to declare the money you’ve make. If you make 0, you pay zero.

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