What should I be doing in such situation: A brief explanation of my situation and seeking advice

I founded a pre-salary as a service startup in my final years of university which recently got busted (investor pulled out the funding) putting me out of job with no corporate experience, a 15 months gap from my graduation to job hunting now.
My situation is rather more twisted than above. I have a Economics degree but I am looking for developer job since I worked as a developer in my own startup (it got me interested more in tech).
My Japanese is limited, I haven’t given any JLPT but I am confident that I could have N3 exam with little preparation. (I am confident because I have passed N3 equivalent exam in internal university exam).
I am currently looking for corporate job. But, I still would love to join a startup team if I had to choose between one.
Little about my startup:
We provided no-commission pre salary as a service to part time workers in Japan and slowly moving towards providing daily salary for part time workers. Our business model was based on leveraging Japan’s negative(0) interest rate and channeling capital towards the part time job market. In the midst of the BOJ speculation, investor pulled all funding quoting us as risky for long term investment. Because of this, I have to shut down everything.
All this left me in very vulnerable position with no savings, no Japanese proficiency, no corporate experience (apart from 1 year internship) and a 15 month gap from my graduation.
I went from providing pre salary to few of the university students doing part time to actually doing part time job myself.
I am looking for your suggestions on how can I come out with good outcome despite all these.
I have been advised to apply for master and move to a English speaking or maybe extra time for myself to settle myself in Japan. This would be my last resort.
ps: My nationality is Nepalese.

  1. Your company was a payday loan service?
    Not sure why it would be a gap, just write what you did?
    Look for a job on Wantedly or hello work or new graduate even.

  2. Have you… applied for jobs? Japan-dev or TokyoDev? There’s plenty of jobs out there in English, or you can fumble through with machine translators.

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