cockroach in dorm help

found a brown small to medium ish cockroach in my dorm room. its dead now thankfully.. but is it possible that there’s an infestation? i heard the brown ones are the terrible ones 🙁

for context our dorm is pretty old. don’t live in tokyo and live right next to nature

i’ve been guilty of cooking inside the room and not cleaning as thoroughly recently so i’m to blame as well (will not be doing this moving forward)

how screwed am i

  1. Infestation implies there’s an unusually large amount of roaches where you are, you’ve seen one, no need to panic. You’re probably good with just tossing some roach killing bait. Go buy some roach killer bait, and put them around your room, make sure to tidy your room regularly, and you’ll probably be fine. Something like ブラックキャップ will be ok.

    That being said, roach management is often a building issue. If you see more on a regular basis, I might bring it up with whoever manages the building.

  2. How is the seal around the door to your room? If you can slide a few sheets of paper under then a small roach can walk under..

    Honestly. You are in a good situation with a smaller area to protect.
    Empty all cupboard. Look for slightest of gaps. Hold a feather to feel for air currents. Block them all with putty you could remove when vacating. Same for kitchen/bath areas. Ensure plug holes are blocked or covered with mesh.
    If your door properly seals still put traps inside and outside it. Also by that “one push” product and use it every 30 days without fail.
    Do you have a balcony and use it. Clean it up. Shake clothes before bringing them inside.
    Got windows. Check how they work. A partially open window even with mesh screen likely offers zero protection.

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