Standing Above the Rest: Autumn in Japan

Standing Above the Rest: Autumn in Japan

1 comment
  1. Location: Kinchakuda Manjushage Park, Saitama Prefecture, Japan
    Timestamp: 12:24 September 27th (Kinchakuda Manjushage Festival)

    In the heart of Hidaka, Saitama Prefecture, lies Kinchakuda Manjushage Park, a large park where nature’s vibrant hues come alive. This final installment of my four-part series amidst the enchanting red spider lilies that adorn the park.

    Among the sea of scarlet blooms, I found one lily standing defiant, reaching higher up above its neighbors. Its delicate petals contrast sharply against the rough bark of the tree.

    The overcast sky diffused the light light and softened the shadows, accentuating the lily’s ethereal beauty.

    This shot was taken at 105 mm, and cropped by 76% to remove distracting or non-essential elements in the composition. I then I added a small vignette and applied some dodging and burning to bring out texture of the tree to make the single flower a stronger subject.

    Further reading with useful links at the Pix4Japan blog (link in Profile).

    Pentax K-1 II + D FA 28-105mm F3.5-5.6
    105 mm ISO 100 for 1/15 sec. at Æ’/8

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