Hi! 🙂
I’m trying to push myself to read more in Japanese, but I want to make sure that I am keeping up with popular and new ones (along with getting some listening practice from people describing them). Does anyone have any recommendations for Japanese Booktube?
Also, if you have any website recommendations for where to buy Japanese books online (ebooks or physical copies both work), it would be greatly appreciated! I just left Japan after a few years of living there, so I’m missing being able to just walk into a bookstore haha
for books I usually use [amazon japan](https://www.amazon.co.jp/), though their shipping prices have increased so I think [Kinokuniya](https://united-states.kinokuniya.com/) is actually competitive even with the markup from cover price, the latter also offers free shipping after $50
you can also find some older books for free using [Aozora bunko](https://www.aozora.gr.jp/)
[booklive.jp](https://booklive.jp) is my favourite! they have everything from novels, light novels, textbooks, self help books, manga, etc.
I like 文学YouTuberベル。
Depends on where you live, but check your thrift stores. This is where I’ve purchased the majority of my Japanese fiction books and have discovered a few new authors this way!