Incredibly important announcement: Mister Donut has has jam donuts again + sweet potato news

After a solid 15+ years of irregularity (nearly as rare as their stores that offer milkshakes), the mixed berry donuts appear to be available wherever their donuts are sold.

While you’re here, a PSA on sweet potatoes primarily aimed at Americans:

Silk sweet, Beni Haruka – these potatoes are purple on the outside but basically white to a little yellow on the subside. These are great, but the sweet potato you’re looking for if you’re making sweet potato pie or candied yams is “anno imo” (安納芋 あんの いも). Additionally, I’ve found “Marron gold” sweet potatoes from Kagoshima available this year and they’re pretty great, too.

Finally, the sour apple you’ve been wanting for pies or fried apples is the “kougyoku” (紅玉 こうぎょく), which runs between ¥100-150 for one at the market and more of a large or deeper hued variety, and is akin to red, more floral version of a Granny Smith, with a similar sharpness but a classic apple flavor to boot.

🍎 🥧 🍎
Hey, someone posted then deleted about apple pies, so I’ll expand further:

For me, I go all the way with the above kougyoku’s, because in addition to sourness, their flesh and pectin content is quite high, meaning it has a wonderful texture.

For a local spin, add peels of local quince (かりんkarin) or a splash of your neighbor’s mom’s karinshuu. You can find these coming to fruit now. A relative of apples and pears, quince aromatics go swimmingly with apple pie.

  1. Waiting for baked Sweet Potatoes to appear again in convenience stores. They had them last year and hoping they appear this year too.

  2. Can anyone tell me what a golden chocolate donut is like and what is the nearest equivalent I can get in the US?

  3. immediately pushes five coworkers out of the way in a rush to get out the door and to the nearest Mista-Doh.

  4. After many experiments with supermarket apples, I can confirm that kougyoku are the best easily-obtainable apple for pies.

  5. This was the public service announcement I’ve been waiting for. I’m going to get a jam donut tomorrow, my thanks!!!

  6. I just started my cutting cycle this week…
    What have you done by dropping this information..

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