Seeking a Clinic in Tokyo to Test for SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin)

I’m currently residing in Tokyo and have been looking to get some specific male sex hormone levels checked, including SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). While I’ve found several places that offer testing for testosterone, free testosterone, prolactin, and estrogen, I’m struggling to find a clinic that can test for SHBG.

Despite reaching out to 5-7 clinics and hospitals, I’ve consistently been informed that they don’t offer this specific test. I’m beginning to wonder if there might be a translation issue.

When I inquire, I ask for “性ホルモン結合グロブリン” in Japanese, which is how I’ve understood SHBG to be translated.

Could anyone recommend a place in Tokyo where SHBG testing is definitely available?

Any guidance or direct experiences would be greatly appreciated!

1 comment
  1. Juntendo’s mental health dept. should do this. You will need a referral or have to pay an extra fee.

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