Indoor and appliance deodorising advice please

I recently had a fridge-freezer switch off after a power outage while I was away for several weeks, the appliance works fine now but the contents rotted and even after scrubbing it and leaving it outside on the balcony it still smells terrible, in fact the odour was so strong it seems to have tainted the room and the apartment inspire of deep cleaning.

As a country that takes odour serious what solutions are there for this kind of situation. I was researching purchasing a [small ozone generator](オゾン発生器-10000mg-60分タイマー-日本語取説付き/dp/B0BBV75KD4/ref=sr_1_6?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&crid=13WZXPU90D1YA&keywords=ozone%2Bspray&qid=1697602989&sprefix=ozone%2Bspray%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-6&th=1) and letting it run while I’m out, would this work? I also heard of a product called [Ozium](エアサニタイザー-オフィスなどに-オリジナルの香り-6個パック/dp/B08FBS4JT5) which is an Aresol, but as far as I can see only sold in America. Is there an equivalent in Japan to save me from importing it at great expense?
Thanks for your time.

  1. Sounds stupid but when I had some chicken leak I used a bowel of white vinegar. Left in there for a couple of days and did the trick. As for the apartment not a clue I’m afraid.

  2. My local supermarket sells fridge deodorant? [](
    Its really cheap and even works on smells like Kimchi according to their ad. Just open it up and leave it in there

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