Giant house gecko infestation

Located in Shibuya; idk of location has anything to do with it, and weekly my spouse will call while I’m at work, about a lizard the size of her shoe running on the ceiling, or up the walls, forcing me to drop everything, run home, catch the harmless creature, and subsequently release her from whichever room she’s locked herself in. She’s inconsolable, and I’m beyond fed up. I’ve spoken to buildings supers numerous times, though like me, it’s evident they belive it to be petty, and no cause for concern. My spouse is completely indifferent though, and it’s become such an issue for her, she desires to sell the home. This has become nearly a weekly occurrence, and though harmless these bastards are BIG. Think of that weird friend of yours in grade school, who brought his leopard gecko to school for show and tell BIG.

Is this normal, what can be done to prevent these bastards from getting in? Personally I don’t mind them, and I like the thought of a harmless, spider eating animal living with me. We’re located on the upper floors, so I’m highly doubtful these guys are getting in from the balconies. I’m at a loss though, and I’m having a difficult time understanding how we could have a gecko infestation. Where we are located is criminally expensive, and though somewhat pretentious, it’s not something you’d expect from the price, and location. Anyone have any ideas on what to do, have you encounterd this before?

Guess I should clarify that we had an exterminator swing by, and he essentially said *”you’re fucked.”* He has no idea how they’re getting in, and espoused it’s a fairly common concern, just not to this level. Ultimately he’s of the presupposition that someone in a different part of the building, has a gecko farm, and they’ve escaped. Tbh it’s all kind of comical to me, but they may as will be crocodiles, or venomous snakes to my wife. So yeah, I need a solution, and would appreciate any advice. I really don’t want them harmed, I just gone. So maybe if any of of you are gecko affascinatos, and would be willing to relay; preferably rehome, some advice, she’d be greatful.

  1. House geckos are great for keeping insects like roaches etc. out. And they’re hella cute too. Relax they’re fun and good for your home.

    Ask your wife what would be preferable, cute little lizards trying to sell you insurance or roaches?

  2. I’ll be honest, that’s probably one of the coolest infestation to have.

    Would have traded for the flying earwig infestation I had in my old apartment any day of the week.

  3. Geckos can climb pretty high — it’s kind of what they do. I’d start by investigating and sealing every tiny gap into your home. Maybe get an exterminator to help out with that. If you’re sure every gecko-sized hole is plugged, investigate your habits of opening windows and doors.

  4. Visited a friend once in hawaii that had a daughter the same age as ours. They were playing with her doll house and the girl there would catch geckos and put them into the doll house, blending the gecko and doll activities together.

  5. Edit: I didn’t know there were geckos in Tokyo. I’ve only ever seen skinks and grass lizards.

    Looks like there’s three main lizards found in Tokyo: the [Japanese skink](, the [Japanese grass lizard](, and [Schlegel’s Japanese gecko](

  6. I am super jelly, though I think my cat would probably snack on any free indoor geckos.

    Unfortunately they’ve got feet like suction cups and their flat little bodies mean they can get in just about any gap you’ve got.

    The fact that they’re big means they’re eating good. If you’ve got that many of that size, there’s something they’re snacking on. But it sounds like you’ve already had this chat with your spouse and they don’t care eh?

    So first idea, get therapy for spouse because it sounds like they have an unreasonable phobia. Unless you want to move to Hokkaido, geckos are going to happen in Japan.

    Second idea, are you allowed pets? Get a cat or a doggo. It’ll be gross as heck if they eat the dang things but, having a predator in the home is probably the easiest way to deter the geckos. I have outside geckos, frogs, crabs, huntsman spider, even some weasels, but they don’t come in because cat. Or maybe they don’t like me, hard to know really.

  7. Well .. cockroaches and other small insects can get in through vents and fans and stuff, but lizards? It seems unlikely. Someone must be leaving some door or window open somewhere.

    But you can just get some fresh security cams like those from switchbot or Panasonic and record all your rooms into you see one enter. Then you’ll know how they got in.

  8. I am tremendously jealous that you have house geckos. You probably will have to move, because your poor wife clearly has a deep-seated fear that cannot be cured simply by words. I feel for her. I have a few fears of my own that other people scoff at me for.

  9. My experience of geckos is limited but my experience of marriage is storied.
    You are either getting rid of that infestation or moving or…

    Seems like you are in an apartment so sealing up and ingress points should be achievable even if that requires some extra mesh screens over central air vents for example.
    Get to it or get it listed. Lest you become another cautionary tale..

  10. I thought seeing a gecko inside your home was considered good luck? Or am I just pulling that from where the sun doesn’t shine?

  11. A lot of lizards are afraid of eggs because birds are their main predator. You can try crushing up egg shells and putting them around places the lizards might be getting in and see if it scares them off.

  12. Have you tried to trap it ? You can build a trap by yourself with a pet bottle, then they stay alive and you can release them. Or you could buy a mouse trap ( the little house ) and put the favorite food of a gekko inside. (?)

  13. Catch them and sell them to kids in the neighborhood. Convince your wife that you can save up for a nice vacation thanks to your gecko trafficking

  14. Have you tried repellent spray (they sell them all over S. E. Asia)… geckos dont seem to like strong smells (peppermint / other essential oils.) [](

    Mixed reviews on Amazon for this brand – Exterminators Choice Lizard Defense Spray

    By the way, have heard the ultrasonic devices are useless.

    May also want to look your weatherstripping. [](

    Hope your wife can catch a break.

  15. In Okinawa, Izu and Ogasawara geckos are seen as the obvious home inhabitants. They keep insects out and they’re lovely too. It’s cool that you have them in Shibuya.

  16. Size of a shoe? I’ve been here 30 yrs, am a bike ride away from Shibuya and outside of a shop or whatever-cafe have never seen *anything* like that. Plenty of little yamori but not shoe-sized. Do you have any pics?

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