Why still so warm? Japan, chill out mate

Not really looking for an answer but more just general comments from those who share my frustration.
This summer was horrific. Months of Japan’s classic grey skies, boiling hot humid weather that makes you want to die.

I’ve been so excited for it to cool down.
A few weeks ago we stopped using air-con so that’s good, and the nights are cooler, but it’s still roughly 25℃ every day here in Osaka which isn’t almost-November weather to me.

Without being that guy who goes and digs up last year’s temperature records, how do you all feel? Was it this warm this time last year? When do you think it’ll get colder?


  1. Summer is definitely hanging on this year. I’m in Tohoku, and while nights are now lovely, midday is still often ridiculous.
    Sucks when they have already switched the air con over to deal with the as yet nonexistent cold.

  2. I don’t know about you but I’m in Kyushu and I’m freezing here, also this change in temperature made me sick 😔

  3. Im in osaka now, 22-25 degrees celcius has been perfect for me and the cold nights of 15 degrees. Id be more concerned if it gets colder

  4. This summer was dogs shit. Do a regular 50k bike ride on the weekends this summer was pretty brutal compared to the last 2. That being said it’s been around 22 the last 2 weeks here in the Kanto and I am loving it.

  5. im in kyushu and i love this weather. Not too hot or too cold, just right. House is ranging from 24-26 during the day and night, after spending like 30,000yen on the leccy bill last month i’m happy to have the ac off.

  6. Dunno about Osaka but it’s around 20min Tokyo and having lived here for 18 years, I can say it is pretty typical for October.

  7. It’s like all of Earth’s tilting happened over one weekend, cooled down but also dark by 530

  8. – One of the overall hottest years on record in Japan.
    – No big typhoons came this year to take the hot air away.

    If you living somewhere 500m+ above sea level though, it’s getting pretty chilly.

  9. I love the weather in Osaka right now. Not too hot, not too cold.

    Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

  10. I used to die from the humidity when I was a college student at Nichidai. I’d break out in a sweat at the slightest provocation in the aircon-less classrooms. I don’t spend summers in Japan anymore. I head to WA State where Im typing this getting ready to return to Yokohama. But I feel your pain.

  11. This year and last year, October has been really pleasant in Hamamatsu. Temperatures are around 20~23℃ during the day and 18℃ or so at night, it’s neither too humid nor too dry and most days are clear. You need neither aircon and fans nor heated blankets and hot water bottles.

    Summer is brutal but October is pretty consistently good. Even in November though it’s still jarring for me, coming from the UK, to see blue skies and sunshine. Sadly it doesn’t snow even in mid-winter here, it just gets really really dry.

  12. Warm? But, when I go outside, I see people wearing sweaters and coats, and the bloody heat is on….

  13. You’re smack dab on the southern edge of central Japan, that’s why it hasn’t cooled down yet. If you chance to venture outside of the area and cast your eyes northwards, you’ll see many of us already burning through our kerosene supply and switching from ‘expensive because hot’ to ‘expensive because cold’ settings on AC units.

  14. I thought exactly the same. Was cycling to work today in shorts and tank-top. At the end of October. After having barely made it through this summer. What the actual fuck. It seriously scares me. I don’t know how much of this I can take. If this gets worse, it might turn out to be the unexpected reason that has me retreat back home or to yet another country after all…

    So far, I was suffering every year in summer, but was able to pull through okay. Was cycling all summer through. This year, I had to give up cycling at some point, because I was physically too exhausted and broken from the constant and insane heat. I just couldn’t do it anymore. It broke me. That’s an absolute first for me. I almost don’t care what the stats say, this summer was – for one reason or another – so much worse than anything I’ve experienced here before. Longer. Or hotter. Or more humid. Or with less cooler days. Or something. Probably all of those.

    Temperatures as they are right now in the area are basically perfect. Nice t-shirt weather during the day and perfect for sleeping at night. I wish it would stay like this all year round.

  15. 28 degrees here in Okinawa. Fortunately the humidity finally lowered to 55-60%, so the weather is perfect.

  16. Night temp is lovely now, I dont need aircon anymore but midday is still too hot to be outside, yet all the places and trains have shut down their AC making it sweltering inside. Good lord, Japan

  17. I am feeling mostly perfect in Hyogo and Osaka, but I am constantly disappointed by how the heat is on in the trains.
    And the persistence of the misconception that being cold will make you sick drives me crazy every year.

  18. 25 degrees is a nice October weather. If it’s still too hot for you, it must be the time to get leaner.

  19. I recently went to Hiroshima (living in Tokyo) and was so happy to feel the cooler weather. Got back to Tokyo and am in short sleeves again. I see people wearing sweaters and stuff already, but I just can’t do it yet. I know I’d be sweating lol. But honestly, I don’t remember it being too different the past few years. Last Halloween I was in a t-shirt most of the night.

  20. 27 a couple of days back in Tokyo. Now it’s down to the lower 20s, but the afternoons are still pretty warm. I’ve already seen the 全国長袖変化 (I just made that up); now, when I go out in a t-shirt, I can feel the stares of disbelief from the other side of the street and beyond. Likewise, I’m looking at people wearing *coats* and wondering wtf is wrong with them.

    (I’m working on a theory that says the Japanese have an ability to convince themselves, en masse, that it’s cold “because it’s supposed to be”. You know, it’s October, October is autumn / fall, ergo I’m cold.)

    My definition of “tolerable” is “I can go out walking for most of the day without worrying about being fried by the sun”, and it reached that point a couple of weeks ago. Wouldn’t actually call it “nice” yet, but we’re on the way.

  21. It won’t. This is the new normal. The coldest October you will experience for the rest of your life.

    2023 is the hottest year on record, ever, and this year’s data is showing the heating is accelerating, dramatically.

    We no longer are on a normal growing curve, this year is something else entirely and a shift in how climate change is demonstrating itself.


    TL;DR: look at that graph. We’re fucked.

  22. As someone from northern USA and loves winter sports, I too am a bit worried about the heat. There is nothing worse than skiing in wet snow 🙁

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