Changing job in Japan (immigration related question)

Hello everyone, I will be (soon) starting a new job and I know I have to inform immigration (I have already informed them online that I left my job) but my question is for the side of my company.

Does anyone knows if my future company has to submit something to the immigration? Or are all the procedure on my side only?

I don’t have to renew my visa anytime soon so it’s just about the job change procedure.


1 comment
  1. The employer does not notify immigration. They do have to notify the MHLW though. And then (upon Immigration’s request), the MHLW will share information with immigration

    Article 28 of the employment measures act states that Whenever a company employ a foreigner they (the employer) have to inform the MHLW (via Hello work) it is then on the MHLW to share information with immigration, should immigration request information.

    (Edit: Article 28 of the employment measures act also applies when the foreigner separates from the employer too)

    The only occasions Article 28 of the employment measures does not apply is if the foreigner is either (1) a diplomatic visa holder, or (2) a SPR (special Permanent resident… zainichi etc).

    So the employer still needs to notify the MHLW even if they hire table 2 visa holders such as spouse of Japanese national, child of Japanese national, long-term resident visa, AND permanent resident. Which is kinda weird because table 2 visa holders don’t need to inform immigration when they change jobs… but hey, them the rulez

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