Are we going to talk about this rude/strange flocking into Japan?

Yeah, after that American Johnny, now we have this “big” YouTuber with over 2 millions sub and his friends defrauding Shinkansen and asking people for money; definitely they are not the first but anyone concerned about the reputation of foreigners? Would do intervene if you see something stupid done by those stupid tourist YouTubers?

  1. >definitely they are not the first but anyone concerned about the reputation of foreigners

    Except social media and TV zombies, no sane people can think that being stupid is typical of “foreigners”. Like if there was no stupid ass japanese lol. So yeah I think those kind of people are stupid but no I’m not concerned about the “reputation of foreigners”.

    >Would do intervene if you see something stupid done by those stupid tourist youtubers

    Specifying “tourist” and “youtubers” sounds weird to me, why would you make a difference between a tourist or not, youtubers or not.

    Someone acting stupid but does not cause any harm I don’t think I do anything. But as long as there is some weird shit going on (harassment, violence…) yeah I do, regardless of what kind of people is doing it.

  2. I’m not *concerned* per se, but break the international Don’t-be-a-Dick code and you deserve to be called out whoever you are.

  3. The type of person to see a rude streamer and think ill of all foreigners was not exactly predisposed to a tolerant disposition.

  4. That American ***Johnny*** and the new “big Youtuber” are hardly the first, any one remember **Logan Paul back in 2018**?

  5. I *really* don’t give a shit.

    It’s a petty crime that’s hopefully gonna get treated by the authorities as just that, a petty crime. The perpetrator is going to be caught easily cause he bragged about it, and the closest we have to a victim is various JR companies that have been dickish to their customers recently anyway.

    So yeah. Bigger fish to fry, both politically and personally.

  6. > **Are we going to talk about this rude/strange flocking into Japan?**

    I hope not. Everyone being outraged by this nonsense is a big part of their business model.

    > anyone concerned about the reputation of foreigners?

    As a general rule I am *always* concerned about the reputation of foreigners… but someone suggesting we are all at fault for something a famous foreigner did or that we should have to behave well to protect ourselves from looking like the famous foreigner who did wrong is a fast-track to that person going in the “you are too racist to be worth my time” box.

    > Would do intervene if you see something stupid done by those stupid tourist YouTubers?

    Depends. If they’re doing harm or doing wrong to a person? I’d like to help out if I can do so in a way that doesn’t play into their attention-seeking business model. Confrontation and escalation seem heroic in the moment, but will likely just create more buzz surrounding them. So some kind of dull, boring de-escalation while the police I just called arrive.

    But if they’re scamming a business? A good rule of thumb IMHO is if you see someone scamming a business that isn’t your business, you didn’t see anything.

  7. I, for one, have no idea what you’re talking about with regards the YouTuber

    My advice- stop paying attention to internet bullshit. You’ll probably find that 99% of the people around you also are not paying attention to it

  8. I don’t know if there is much to talk about tbh. Japan has always attracted weird foreigners. This time, they just happen to film themselves. There is a reason some foreigners avoid interacting with other foreigners in this country.

  9. Annoying, yes, but unless they’re bothering you directly, leave it. Let Japanese people handle these clowns. It’s about time they got active. It’s also super cringe seeing all these foreigners tripping over themselves to be Superman.

    Also, let me explain something as a minority from a western country; there’s nothing you can do to change people’s minds. You can be the good one for as long as you want but if all it takes is for one shitty dude for them to shit on everyone then it’s not worth it. You’re better off just building good relationships with those around you and being a nice person than going out of your way to be a model representative of your race/nationality/whatever.

  10. I am genuinely terrified of the Japanese legal system and can’t believe Youtubers are actively fucking around and finding out. That Johnny guy is getting the full horror movie treatment (justifiably so) and I hope this Shinkansen clown gets barred for life. I really hope these people understand how serious the Japanese penal system is and any potential copycats are sufficiently scared away from continuing the trend…

  11. It’s Youtube and streaming meta to travel to Japan and fuck around for content and has been for years. Japan is also the perfect place to fuck around cos rarely do people call you out.

  12. Yeah if I say someone hassle people just trying to mind their own business. I would definitely say something

  13. They’re already being investigated. I sincerely hope they catch them really quick. People like that only give normal honest foreigners a terrible reputation.

  14. You remember the first Jackass movie?

    They did a bunch of shit in Tokyo but we all found it hilarious at the time and the things they did were far worse than what these YouTubers are doing.

    Skating and bothering local people.

    Snorting wasabi in a sushi restaurant etc.

    But again we found out hilarious when it came out.

    But what’s the difference really?

    I’ve always wondered that.

  15. >Would do intervene if you see something stupid done by those stupid tourist YouTubers?

    I’d walk over and do a “come on man, don’t be a dick.” I have no illusions that it would stop them, and I’d have to resist getting pulled into an escalation loop, but I think it’s worth doing one round of that. For better or worse, I do care about how gaijin are seen by locals, and I’d want them to see some self-policing, even if it was ultimately ineffective.

    But mostly seeing these stories just makes me want to find little ways to demonstrate good community membership. Nothing dramatic, just little stuff: Pick up the loose onigiri wrapper on the street, offer my seat to the person on the train, give a polite smile/nod, do an extra ごちそうさまでした on the way out of the restaurant, whatever.

    Yeah, it’s all trivial marginal stuff and I’m sure someone will call me a tool, but I hope those little things help reinforce a mental model that while there are a few jackasses out there, and most of us are nice pro-social people. I think that’s pretty much what we can do, and then we hope the Japanese legal system hits enough of these people hard enough that they decide it’s not worth it on their own.

  16. don’t care, there always have been / will be annoying/troublemaking/outright criminal youtubers, streamers, etc. it’s not some new thing just because one went *really viral* for being *really shitty.*

    they want to go viral, get arrested, deported etc. so they become a meme in their shitty streaming communities/4chan/twitter. twitter weirdos who *totally aren’t trying to prove some point about gaijin* are more than happy to signal-boost their shit, everyone sucks and everyone wins(except normal people who just want to be left alone).

  17. Its adorable that people think Japanese people needed a couple low-bid influencer-wannabes to assume that foreigners aren’t to be trusted to behave like civilized people.

    These cornholes aren’t changing anything. They’re just grist for the mill that was already there.

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