Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (October 28, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. 俺の父と母と映画を見ます。= my dad watches movies with my mom

    俺は父と母と映画を見ます。= i watch movies with my dad and mom

    am i correct in these interpretations or am I misunderstanding something?

  2. > どこを見ている**となく**ボーッと乾いた砂地を眺め、声を出さずに口は同じ言葉を繰り返している。

    What does となく mean when it’s only used once? My bilingual dictionary gives me “adds vagueness and indirectness to the word or phrase it is used with” as a definition, but I couldn’t find a Japanese source to confirm that. For example, [this page](https://kotobank.jp/word/%E3%81%A8%E7%84%A1%E3%81%8F-584285) only lists a meaning that’s applicable when となく is used twice.

  3. >  さて、お話はとんで、その夜のできごとにうつります。

    Context: Some people are making a plan about what to do that night, and then the chapter ends. In the next chapter, it begins with the above sentence.

    Was wondering, とんで? I think the rest is, “Let’s pass/go to that night’s incident.”

  4. when searching massif for 麗しい, 麗しゅう shows up a lot but it doesn’t appear in any of my dictionaries. is this just a phonetic change? like よろしく ー> よろしゅう?is it a dialect thing?

  5. Is the grammar and use of honorifics / humble speech correct in this email I am sending to my teacher.

    The email is asking if I am able to take some extra exams for the year above me “level 2”. I also want to apologise for emailing during the weekend.



    こんにちは○○先生(teacher’s name)。週末の間にメールを掛けて申し訳ございませんが、早く聞いたほうがいいと思いにいたしました。○○○先生 (Different teacher)が「Please talk to your teacher as soon as possible if you want to take an exam and it is not in your timetable」とおしゃりましたし。




    ○○○○・○○○○ (My name)



    Thank you in advance

  6. >「お約束の品物をいただきにまいりましたよ。」

    Was wondering about this.

    I can’t get what 間どり is.

    I think the rest is

    > “We came to get the promised goods”. While leaving this sharp remark, looks like they have been taught [???], (they) rapidly stepped into to the back (of the room).

    Context: Some thugs are doing a hostage exchange, where they are exchanging a hostage for an expensive work of art.

  7. What’s the most natural way to just tell someone a piece of info over text?

    For ex I want to text my friend that I’m going home but I feel like just saying 今から帰る just sounds so random or plain or something. Would 今から帰るよー be more natural?

  8. > 言おう言ぉうとは思ってたんだけどね。無理に教えること**でもない**かなって。

    I don’t really understand what is happening gramatically towards the end of the second sentence. If 無理に教えることかなって roughly means “I wondered about excessively teaching (the listener)”, then adding then is でもない negating something here? Not sure how close I am to being on the right track, any help is appreciated.

  9. その計画は、どうも成功(しそうもない・しようもない)。


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