Good eye clinic/ophthalmologist in Tokyo?

Hi everyone.

A few years ago, for no apparent reasons, my right eye sight suddenly dropped, in a few months I’ve developed a very strong astigmatism with it, preventing me from being able to read or do anything else with it. The worse part is that it’s apparently impossible to correct with any kind of glasses, it’s just too strong.
I went to see so many different doctor/eye clinic, and the stuff they told me are “I don’t know” “it’s not possible that it suddenly changes like that” (I have several annual health check as proof my eyesight was perfect a few months before), or even “it is what it is, you just need to get used to it”.
Beside being mildly infuriating to not be taken seriously, it doesn’t help finding the cause of the issue.

But here comes the worst part yet; my left eye is now starting to follow the exact same path, same symptoms and everything.
There is definitely something very wrong here, but they either don’t care or don’t want to investigate more.

So I wanted to know if anyone here had a good experience with some eye clinic in Tokyo, even not English speaking is fine, I’m desperately trying to find a solution.

  1. Go to any local small hospital and get an intro to a large university hospital. I really hope you can find a solution.

  2. You sure it’s an eye problem and not a brain problem? I don’t suggest you wait, try going to Sanno Hospital, I hear their ophthalmology department is quite good and since they’re a big hospital, if it actually has to do with your brain, they can get you checked up for that fast.

  3. Go to Sanno Hospital. Their ophthalmology department is really good!

    The doctor took all the time needed and was very patient in answering my questions. So much better than the smaller clinics I had visited before.
    You can walk in and don’t need a referral letter.

  4. Check for diabetes. Or just get a general blood check. Eyesight issues can be due to other causes.

  5. I’ve been dealing with my own eye issue and its been a nightmare dealing with the doctors here. Nearly every doctor told me something different, some of which was clear BS (I don’t have cataracts for example..). I’d recommend trying to find a Dr. with some education in the states or if you can get into a university hospital I’d recommend that. Tokyo university hospital has a lot of advanced eye checking equipment (although the building is very old).

    If you rule out the eye itself, you’re gonna want to check the neurological side of things. I’d recommend NCNP hospital, you can have a ‘scan of the orbits’ which is an MRI specifically for your eyes. You could also have a VEP test which should detect any issues along the visual pathway. Waiting on the results of that myself.. Good luck, hope you manage to recover or at the very least find whats going on. I know how frustrating that can be.

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