Time bound procedures when a baby is born?

Our baby’s due date is in a few weeks. Are there any time-bound processes we should try to take care of? For the record my wife is Japanese.

I believe we have to go to the ward to submit a 出生届, but just wondering if there are anything else. Thank you!

  1. You have to submit all your documents (出生届) within two weeks. You also need to have the baby’s name out on the 母子手帳 with a seal from City Hall.

    You should also do all the paperwork then and submit your documents for 児童手当 and any backup health insurance schemes.

    It took us one month to get our health insurance card for baby #4 and then an additional visit to City Hall to get the card that makes all hospital visits free. Some cities will also give you all the vaccination coupons and information about 産後ケア as well. Encourage your wife to use all the resources she can.

    Citizenship stuff for father’s country if baby is getting dual citizenship should be checked out now. Do you need an additional form from the hospital that is kind of like a birth certificate? Check with your embassy now to see what you need for citizenship paperwork.

  2. Make sure you understand the vaccine schedules in the boshitecho. The rotavirus vaccine can only be administered up to a certain number of weeks old, so if you want that one, you need to get it within the timeframe.

  3. Don’t forget to also tell your company about your new dependant, in order to leverage the vast array of generous tax incentives and benefits that are bestowed upon new parents 🙂

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