Looking for a Volleyball team in Tokyo.

Hello everyone. I’ve been living in japan for now almost 2 months, and been strugling to join a volleyball team. The context is, i’m a exchange student for a year at Waseda University, and can not join yet circles in uni. Therefore, i tried applying for teams in Tokyo, but the language barrier is just too thick yet for me ; i’m learning japanese intensively, and can understand it pretty well, the only difficult thing being talking (what i mean here, is that talking about communication with teammates, i could at least 60% them, but would struggle replying). I’ve been to two team practices, but they did not reinvite me, because of the language barrier i guess.

Do you guys know some volleyball teams that could integrate me ? Also, i’m looking for competitive volleyball only. I’ve tried Tokyo Gaijins sessions, but the price for every session is a barrier for me. The only thing that i think is ok so far is Shinjuku Sports center open gyms, (the price being around 400yen), but it’s really crowded and it’s difficult to play more than 3sets in 2/3hours.

To conclude, i’m just looking for someone that could help me join a team/introduce me to a team. I know that i’m kind of the problem in this situation, but i’m learning japanese really intensively, and progressing fast. I’m here until at least 31 Jul 2024, and don’t want to miss opportunities to play volleyball in Japan.

  1. just turn up at the Waseda Volleyball Circle ready to play.

    (how long till you can join proper?)

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