Japanlife help – the milk WON’T STOP going up.

I need help.
The マルハチ supermarket beer my house sells milk, obviously.
A carton of milk was 98 yen some time ago and was for a long time. Every time I go in which is regularly it goes up by a yen or two. It was 100, 102, 107, 110, and 115, it’s not 133 yen for a carton.

Is there some dial someone’s secretly turning in the office to gradually increase the price hoping nobody notices?

How can I stop this? Should I just kick the shit out of the milk itself?

Thank you

  1. Wait what? I always pay around 300 for milk and I buy one pack every two days for many years 😂.
    98 yen small size like juice?

  2. The peanut butter at the super near me went from 449 to 700 yen over the last year, just one example.

    Welcome to inflation.

  3. My 6 pack of beer went from 720 to now 922 over the past 4 months. Jealous about your 30y hike up on milk.

  4. At least the moyashi, eggs, and rice that my dispatch ALT ass subsists off of are still affordable

  5. 98 yen is wild. Milk has been like 200-300 or so for a long time where I live. I don’t think I’ve ever seen 98 except for one of those small single serving cartons

  6. I’ve been tracking my expenses in detail since March and food costs have definitely increased. Feels like back in the US.

  7. 98 yen sounds like it was being used as a way to get people in the door as a loss leader. Usual price around here is a little under 200 for the store brand.

  8. I feel like I’m going insane reading this thread.

    We’re talking about 1l cartons of milk, right? Who pays 300 yen for that? The one I get, 牧場の大地, is like 150. Even Meiji’s おいしい牛乳 is only around 240yen AFAIK.

  9. That can’t be real milk…does it have the notch on the top?

    Even faux milk has gone up to around 160-170 these days, and you’re lucky to find any real milk for under 200.

    Good thing salaries are increasing to keep up with cost of living though!

  10. Not milk but I’ve bought the same cereal for 2 years now. It used to cost 300¥ per box, and now it’s 550¥. Everything going up except the income…

  11. Move to Hokkaido. Buy farmland. Raise cows. Milk cows. You now have ¥0 milk. Congrats. You could even put in in cartons and sell for ¥98. Flawless victory.

    Seriously though, inflation is here and it’s not going anywhere. It’s a good time to learn to budget and accept that certain things just aren’t worth the yennies.

  12. Are you sure you are drinking milk? It’s been in the 200 range for a long time. Maybe you’re drinking milk drink powder?

  13. Does the milk carton have a little semi-circle shaped piece but out of the top part? If it doesn’t, then it’s not real milk.

  14. If the product name is ミルク it’s not milk, but a milk-like beverage that contains some amount of milk.
    The white stuff that comes out of cows udders is called 牛乳 and usually doesn’t cost much less than 200 yen.

  15. Interesting thread. It seems there’s a ton of people out there not realizing they’re drinking fake milk, and an equally large group of people buying the most expensive milk available and thinking there’s no other choice.

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