Is there a CC Lemon shortage?

I cannot find CC Lemon anywhere at any of my local Konbinis? They where everywhere just a month ago. Is something up? Has anyone else noticed this? And if someone had where can I find more?

  1. Not sure if you’re new or haven’t been focused on a specific product before but: If you’re expecting to find drinks or snacks you enjoy consistently throughout the year, get used to disappointment. A lot of things are highly seasonal or time limited.

  2. Look, YOU try fitting 50 megatons of vitamin C into every goddamned bottle every godsamned day for years and years without a break!

  3. I get the big bottles every week at my local grocery store. But they’ve been scarce recently at conbinis near me.

  4. I was looking for it today and all konbinis were out, bought vitamin water instead. Didn’t realise it could be seasonal.

  5. Living in Tokyo. The まいばすけっと nearest me has the new honey flavour but that’s it. I’ve noticed all the vending machines around me no longer have CC Lemon もも. Real shame, that was my favourite flavour and only ¥100

  6. The same. The week before I bought a couple of bottles and this week I was looking for them in 5 Konbinis near a central station but couldn’t find any…

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