Hey all,
Moving from the US, I am sorta surprised by the absence of earth plugs on brand new monitors or computer parts delivered to me. Instead, they come with cables, which are kinda useless to me as I can’t use them in my strips, or UPS.
Does anyone have good stores, either local or online, where I can buy D-Plugs (monitor and PC PSU) plugs with a ground plug? Bonus if I can get additional power strips too.
Yes, most of my outlets in my house are 3 pronged.
amazon has a few: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B019O0JL60/,
same on monotaro as well: https://www.monotaro.com/g/01410909/ and has lots of simliar cables in related products. monotaro has the taps, too: https://www.monotaro.com/g/00201591/
I am surprised that most of your wall sockets are coming with earth, I’ve been looking for some way to add those sockets to my house.
[junkworld.jp](https://junkworld.jp) physical location [https://maps.app.goo.gl/ywNkGt1UQgktux5J6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/ywNkGt1UQgktux5J6)
there’s a drawer full of these cables and almost any other power cables you can or cannot imagine. not on display though, you gotta ask the staff, it’s really a drawer full of crud.
Earth is useless for most appliance including computer (unless you use super cheap PSU).
I do like power strips from Sanwa Supply such as this one [Sanwa Supply 6 Outlet 3 Pin | Amazon.co.jp](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Sanwa-Supply-TAP-SP36MG-3-Lightning-Counts/dp/B082N87BQN/ref=sr_1_22?crid=N4JCIK2DPL45&keywords=sanwa%2Bsupply%2Bpower%2Bstrip%2B3p&qid=1699368210&sprefix=sanwa%2Bsupply%2Bpower%2Bstrip%2B3p%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-22&th=1)