Developing disposable camera film in Japan

My partner and I are traveling in Japan and we picked up a disposable camera from a Lawsons on our first day. We’re hoping to develop the film before traveling back home and are wondering if there are any easy local options for having the film developed in Japan before leaving.

Thanks in advance!!!

  1. Check Yodobashi Akiba in Akihabara if you’re in Tokyo. It’s one of the largest, if not the largest camera store in the city, and they can develop it for you there.

  2. No problem at all!
    I had two cameras rools deveolped while i was there. I usualy found small “local” shops that had on-site developemnt, usualy took just a few hours.

    The bigg chains BIG CAMERA etc. offer the service to, but they send the film away to be developed. this usualy takes a few days i did not want to risk it.

  3. Bic Camera on the east side of Shinjuku (the big one near Meiji-doori next to Uniqlo) still develops film on-site. Usually takes about two hours.

  4. You may want to tell people what city in Japan you are in, or will be in, so they can actually recommend something local vs something on the other side of the country of Japan.

  5. If you’re in Tokyo, look for the outlets of a chain called ‘Palette Plaza’. They’re easy to recognize because their signs are in English. There’s usually one near each station. You can usually get film photos developed in an hour or so.

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