Intransitive vs transitive verbs

How do you all manage these? There seems to be no rule on how to conjugate the intransitive into the transitive or vice versa (is this right? does someone know of a secret rule?). Do you just learn each individually?

Recently this has been my problem area, especially when it comes to output, but also I have increased my personal strictness on Anki cards (now only marking the card correct if I can identify both meaning and whether or not it is transitive or intransitive verb).

Is there a good resource for this?

  1. There is no conjugation to go from one to another. They’re different words entirely. There’s patterns but no definitive rule.

  2. It’s just a matter of exposure. The more you read/listen, the more you understand how to use such verbs. Tbh I would even go as far as to say not to worry about if it’s transitive/intransitive when doing anki reviews…. just get enough exposure through immersion to be able to tell them apart.

  3. There is no rule. Some sound like there is a rule, some are the opposite and then there are some which are completely off.
    Tldr; you just have to learn them.

    Tipp: If you have a word you want to know the in/transitive Version of, you can search an online dictionary:

    Mobile: hit the kanji -> “transitive word”

    Desktop: 3-dot on the right -> “transitive word”

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