Buying a gaming desktop Tokyo


I have been amassing a bit of money in order to get a good gaming computer but I do not know a lot about building it myself or what kind of shop I should go to. Someone has some advices for Tokyo?

My budget is around 400,000 yen

  1. Kakaku is the best place for price comparing various items, especially appliances and electronics.

  2. You can get a top tier PC for 400k, just be sure to buy a good mobo and don’t cheap out on psu

  3. Check prices in and amazon. Be sure to check the store that’s selling it to you on Amazon, specially for GPUs.

    Yodobashi camera is overpriced but sometimes has reasonably priced stuff. I remember that when I got mine the PSUs there were cheaper than the ones I saw online.

    Dospara sometimes has reasonably priced stuff too. I recommend checking both their physical and online stores. The physical stores can have used items cheaper than mercari depending on your luck.

    Now, if you’re not including the monitor in the Â¥400,000 you can get a pretty high end PC, but be aware that the RTX 4090 prices are surging right now because of the China ban. Used to cost around 250k and now it’s over 300k. If I were you, I’d wait until December/January when prices will most likely normalize.

    Some prices I saw now:

    7800X3D (51,611) + B650M Pro RS (21,784) + SN770 1 TB (9,980) + TeamGroup T-Create 32 GB DDR5 (Hynix M-die) (19,289) + Lancool 216 ( 15,950) + Peerles Assassin 120 (6,326) + Corsair RM1000X (23,773) = 148,713

    The only thing remaining is the GPU. A 4090 for 250k would make the build fit the 400k budget almost perfectly.

  4. There are shops like that in Akihabara if you want to talk to a real living human being in the process

  5. I personally was a fan of Tsukumo ex at Aki. Prices weren’t egregious and was able to easily get everything I needed to rebuild when I moved here.

    Also feel free to reach out if you need help with self builds!

  6. I literally just bought a gaming pc for video editing from Dospara last night online for roughly 350,000 and am super happy with all the customised branded parts. Happy to share you the exact spec if you want to dm me. They even do 20 monthly payments interest free. Many people on here recommended Dospara to me. Get 3000 points back too.

  7. If you are in Tokyo, you really might as well spend a couple of hours in Akihabara to see what they have at the various Tsukomo and Dospara shops, and also check out Ark and Oiliospec. You can often get a slightly better price on cases, cooling, PSUs, DRAM, and SSDs in some of those shops. For me, I always seem to find something or other cheaper at one of the Tsukomo shops. I dunno, I think it’s cool to just see what’s on the street at the moment. You will find that there is stuff you can get at the shops that you can’t get from Tsukomo, Dospara, or Ark’s online stores.

    It’s definitely nice to actually check out cases with your actual eyes too.

    For gear recommends, just get a 4070, if you really want to spend extra on performance you won’t need get a 4080, but I’d avoid falling into the 4090 trap, because those are still melting.

    I am a huge fan of Fractal cases, they’ve got a great range right now, very well engineered, high quality, excellent support in my experience.

    PSU you a living in the land of Silverstone, they are great and usually a good bang for the buck. get a Platinum one that will meet your GPU needs.

    Cooling is a question of whether you want performance, quiet, or lots of LEDs. You basically want to go with Noctua for the first two, or Corsair for the LEDs. If you really want to max out the frustration and agony of building and add a lot of hassle to long-term ownership of the PC build yourself a custom loop for almost absolute quiet and max performance – Oliospec in Akihabara stocks a lot of stuff for that.

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