Criminal background cert, Japanese descendant visa

Hi all, I wasn’t quite sure which sub to post this is so I am trying here first. (If there is a better please let me know)

So I am currently living in Japan and I want to apply for the Nikkei Jin visa aka Japanese descendant. I’ve talked to a lawyer and I meet all the requirements and I have the necessary paper work.

But however the one thing I still need to obtain is a criminal background certificate from the US. Does anyone know how I go about getting this? Some sites I read said I need to get finger prints done at a police station or post office to obtain it but of course I can’t do this because I already live in Japan.

I did find this Japanese site that this place can request it and do my prints. But it’s quite expensive and I would have to travel to do it.


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    **Criminal background cert, Japanese descendant visa**

    Hi all, I wasn’t quite sure which sub to post this is so I am trying here first. (If there is a better please let me know)

    So I am currently living in Japan and I want to apply for the Nikkei Jin visa aka Japanese descendant. I’ve talked to a lawyer and I meet all the requirements and I have the necessary paper work.

    But however the one thing I still need to obtain is a criminal background certificate from the US. Does anyone know how I go about getting this? Some sites I read said I need to get finger prints done at a police station or post office to obtain it but of course I can’t do this because I already live in Japan.

    I did find this Japanese site that this place can request it and do my prints. But it’s quite expensive and I would have to travel to do it.


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