Hanging things on wall with wallpaper?

So my house has wallpaper. How do you go about hanging things on the wall? Does command strips work?


  1. It depends on how heavy it is. We have a lot of holes in our wallpaper from hanging things that were too heavy for command strips. I don’t trust those strips, TBH. My husband has become quite skillful at patching holes and tears in wallpaper when needed.

  2. Micro pin hooks, you can find them at daiso. They are thinner than a thumbtack but have a weight limit that’ll be on the box it came in. They don’t leave noticable marks

  3. Command strips do work, but you have to use the right ones. There is a variant that includes a large clear sticker that distributes the load onto a larger surface area so it doesn’t tear the wallpaper, and then you stick a 3M command strip on to that. I have used it for holding up a door curtain (800g x 2) with no issues. I plan to use them for putting up pictures fairly soon.


    – [Normal hooks with 500g load capacity](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/gp/product/B07HCG3F1G)
    – [For a photo frame with 800g load capacity](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Command-Wallpaper-Scratch-String-CMK-FH02/dp/B07NGBHX35)

    You can also use special hooks with several tiny pins stead of a single bigger nail. These are usually invisible to the eye when removed.


    – [3-pin wall hook with 10kg load capacity](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Pieces-Plasterboard-Veneer-Capacity-Mounted/dp/B0B59GT1ZH)

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