Has anyone else not turned on their AC at all this “winter”

I haven’t turned on the AC once since the beginning of October. The temperature barely goes below 5c even at night. Wearing warm clothes and sleeping under a couple of blankets keeps me perfectly warm. I’m glad I don’t have to spend money on heating but the climate change is frankly a little worrying

  1. Mine has been off since mid September. It won’t come on till mid December at the earliest. I live in Tochigi Pref.

    Heck, right now I have the window cracked beside my desk, enjoying the cool air and regretting I didn’t get out for a walk.

  2. Yeah, my heaters been on for a few weeks now. Around next weekend we’re finally going to go below 0 up here (Tohoku). November is when my electric bills start going from 2000 to 4500. Then December through to February it hovers around 15k.

  3. Winter starts from Dec. It was abnormally
    hot few weeks back but is now a colder than usual autumn. It’s gonna be heck of a winter!

  4. I never use mine during cold weather. Tokyo doesn’t get that cold, I might as well just wear warm pajamas, use a blanket, and save some money.

  5. It’s not winter till the end of next month. Indeed it’s a warm fall though. I usually don’t turn on my AC until it’s midwinter

  6. I live in Okinawa, I turned my Air Con off like a week ago. It’s finally dipping below 20c!

  7. I use it fairly often when I’m home now for the last week or so. A little in the evening to warm up the bedroom for nighttime and in the main living room/dining room combo room when we’re in there in the evening or morning. I’m just tired of suffering for saving a bit of money lol. Our detached home has like no insulation, so YMMV if you live in a better insulated place. We have a toddler too so I don’t want her to be suffering especially

  8. Here in Tokyo we have used neither air conditioning nor heating for about 6 years. We’re lucky that our house doesn’t get much direct sunlight and that it’s situated in a place that catches all the breezes.

    When our child was younger than 5, we’d use the heater once in a while, but now we just bundle up and take baths before retiring.

  9. Last year full aircon, this year will commit with fairly pricey soft electric blanket for max comfort.

  10. I’ve had the underfloor heaters on for about a week. Kids have their AC heaters in I leave mine off because I like the cold when I sleep.

  11. I haven’t turned on the AC heater yet but my husband assembled the kotatsu last week. I always bundle up in my hanten coat and a hot mug of tea when I’m feeling a chill these days.

  12. Turned the AC on yesterday for a few hours.

    I have a 電気カーペット though, that’s been on for a week or so.

    We live in a 新築マンション1階

  13. Just come from Amami Oshima (where until a week or so ago it was very hot) to my home in Kagawa, where it is freezing. My home is very well designed to be cool in Summer and rarely needs aircon, but in Winter it is very cold. Since I work from home and sit at a keyboard most of the time, heating really is essential. 23C is the optimal office temp for a typist, so 5C doesn’t cut it.

    I haven’t got around to a kotatsu, but that may be part of the solution. I have a heated carpet. Mostly I use a kerosine heater which is great, but getting the kerosine is not so easy since I do not have a driving licence (getting one is the reason I am here in the first place). Working mostly at night doesn’t help.

    There are times when other people are using fans to keep cool, and I am using a fan-assisted heater.

  14. I almost never turn mine on unless it’s near 0, I just don’t like the way it dries out the air and don’t want to mess with a humidifier(and potentially mold if I don’t do it right). I have a whole cold-weather setup for working at my desk, hand covers, hat, slippers. Works fine.

  15. It’s still fall. It doesn’t start getting really cold until late December and the coldest days are all in January and February.

  16. I’ve had it on during the day for over a week.

    We’ve had temperatures below 10 already. I’m ready to skip winter and spring, and go straight to summer. Fuck this cold.

  17. I don’t use A/C (heat or cool) in my apartment, but in winter I do use an electric blanket layered under other blankets to keep myself warm. It just recently started going below freezing at night where I live so I pulled it out and am perfectly comfortable with just that (and won’t reach high settings until sometime next month, probably).

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