Pet-friendly rents are impossible to find here

Finding a pet-friendly house for rent is so difficult here. I have two dogs and now living in a rent home but am planning to move next spring due to work/marriage. Currently am looking to finding a dog friendly rent and found one, except they only allow one small dog. The realtor had the nerve to suggest that I leave one of my dogs with a family/friend and just live with one. Shitty realtor. Why does this have to be so damn difficult.
Even if I find 多頭飼可, the house is super old and rusty to the point the rent isn’t even worth it.

  1. He’s not a shitty realtor he’s trying to help and be realistic. As a former homeowner, why would I want to rent to someone with a dog (where there is a much higher chance of damage) than to a person who doesn’t have a dog 🤷.

    Just because you love your dogs doesn’t mean everyone else has to.

  2. Yep! It’s really hard if your pet is not a singular small dog. I want another dog but I can’t until I buy a house :/

    Went looking at apartments the other day and the one that allowed multiple pets had about 15 dead cockroaches of different sizes inside ha.

  3. Where about in Japan do you live? If it’s Tokyo, it might be difficult, but consider renting a house instead of an apartment in the surrounding prefectures. They are usually more flexible than apartments.

  4. Shitty realtor? The nerve of him trying to help you find an apartment, there is a reason why a lot of places don’t want animals, not everyone want their building torn up by animals, the good thing is that you don’t have to keep the same realtor you can change

  5. It’s extremely difficult.

    Having a pet eliminates 90% of rental options in Japan, two pets eliminates 99%.

    We have two medium sized dogs and found an apartment after 1.5 months and five real estate companies. The agent who found one (Japanese) put together an amazing effort to find a quirky 1970 house in Nakano that was prelisting, which I viewed and decided on the same day, with two other people already in line. She only found out about it before listing since she was friends with the owner.

    Have patience, try many realtors, and understand that it’s a challenge, you’ll need their help to find a place. It is likely much easier if you’re willing to live outside of Tokyo or pay a lot more, so that’s a trade off to consider.

  6. Cry me a fucking river. We had to find a rental house with our pitbull, Australian Shepherd, and Yorkie. Yes, it was hard. We worked with a realtor and checked with hundreds of listings, only coming up with three that would even consider us. Additional month of rent _per dog_ as key money. It cost us over 700,000 just to move in.

    That’s the reality of life with dogs here. You’ve got three choices: get rid of the dogs (which would make you a shitty person), go back to your country, or do the adult thing by sucking it up, doing the work required to find a place, and not complain about it.

  7. I’m sorry to hear that. Maybe you can DIY with the owners permission and make an old house look better before moving in? Or you can double your advance payment and negotiate?

  8. Wow, I’m really taken aback by the harsh tone that some commenters are taking with OP’s post, especially ones with pets themselves. It is difficult to hear from your realtor that you ought to consider getting rid of a pet (who is family) to find a home. Give OP a bit of a break.

    That said, OP, with two cats myself, I heard similar comments that it would be better to have one small dog. It’s not a helpful comment and is a sign to move on to a realtor who is sympathetic to your needs. It’ll take time, patience, money, and compromise, but I’m sure, also like me, you wouldn’t give up your precious family members for anything so ganbatte. You can and will find a place for your family.

  9. Yeah it can be difficult, coming from someone with four cats 😺

    I had luck with Yahoo real estate – set the ペット可能 option, make a list on Google docs, and send it to realtors explaining the situation (multiple pets) and asking them which, if any, would work. If you’re not Japanese, that can be an added hurdle, but cast enough nets and you’ll find something. Easier in older places/farther away (~10 min bike) from the station, but also likely depends on where you’re looking.

  10. Just a thought due to personal experience, is it possible the realtor was doing a sort of “we know you have two dogs but one will be going to stay with a family member and coming for occasional visits right……cough cough” kind of thing? Or not being quite so obvious but subtlety giving you a way to give him an excuse to open up the options?

    That’s what we had when moving into an apartment with two cats that only allowed one. He was all “I mean if you only had the one cat it would be fine, and maybe one lives nearby with a friend but stays with you when they’re away……which might be a lot…..”

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