Any insights on ASIJ High School?

Hey everyone, I’m looking for insights on ASIJ High School. Is it true that you don’t need an external college admissions advisor, and the in-house advisors at ASIJ are sufficient? I’ve heard that relying solely on the school’s guidance leads to successful college applications. Can anyone share their experiences or thoughts on this? TIA.

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    **Any insights on ASIJ High School?**

    Hey everyone, I’m looking for insights on ASIJ High School. Is it true that you don’t need an external college admissions advisor, and the in-house advisors at ASIJ are sufficient? I’ve heard that relying solely on the school’s guidance leads to successful college applications. Can anyone share their experiences or thoughts on this? TIA.

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  2. Hey there. I want to preface this comment by saying that ASIJ is a great international school with a good reputation, BUT to answer your question: probably not true, especially right now. It’s my understanding that all of their college counselors left the institution last year, and their two active counselors are their PE coach and an Econ teacher. Honestly, they both might be very capable counselors, but I don’t know their success rate/what schools they’ve helped students get in to. Historically it is true that a significant percentage of their students still have worked with external counselors on the college admissions process. There is a local (Nishi-Azabu based) organization with a great track record I can DM you about if you’re interested. I know a lot of ASIJ families that have worked with them over the years and saw great success (Ivy plus).

  3. You do not need an external advisor and I don’t know anyone who used one, though some use external test prep – also unnecessary waste of money IMO. The high school is highly competitive and almost every graduate goes to top schools. I would be more concerned about the intensity of the academic competition – not for the faint of heart.

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