Apostille for marriage documents

Hello everyone, I search on the sub if someone was in a similar situation to mine but I couldn’t find the exact case as mine so hopefully someone here with experience can answer my question.

I am an Argentinian citizen marrying a Japanese citizen and I have to hand my Birth Certificate and Certificate of Non-married (or however that is called). Both documents are “legalized” meaning that they have a stamp/signature of the office that generates the papers but I want to ask if an apostille is needed on top of that.

I know that the translation can be done by myself but I want to confirm if the apostille is needed or not (since for some reason it takes my country 2 months to do the paperwork if needed)

Thank you in advance!

  1. You can always without it and see what happens? Worst case is that city hall says you need a different document and to come back later once you have it.

  2. You should be able to find one in Japan. Jesus managed to find 12 in the desert.

  3. Mexican married to a Japanese here. I also needed that, and what I did was to ask my parents in Mexico to get the apostille of my documents in the city I was born and send them to me. Once here, I made a Japanese translation of both the original documents and accompanying apostille (proofread by my wife).
    At least on the Tachikawa office they told us we could make the translation ourselves. You should ask first if the translation needs to be official or not.

  4. Make sure you check with the city where you’ll submit your marriage papers; the exact requirements vary by city/nationality. Their information plus your embassy should be able to give you the most correct answer about what you need/how to get it!

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