How much shit am I in?

First off, not a shit post. I just wanna know how much shit I’m in.

Matched with a woman in her early 20s, same age as me. We meet and have dinner and drinks at a nice place. Sometime into the dinner I asked about her job. She tells me she lied about her age/profile and that shes actually a high school student. I become immediately physically sick, borderline about to vomit or pass out. I played it cool until we finished eating. Afterwards I thanked her for her time but said I wasn’t feeling well and left.

How much shit am I in if I somehow get caught getting/paying for drinks for someone underage? I mean there are cameras everywhere and she also has my LINE from before we met… or she might tell on me?

After leaving, I did take a video of myself going back to the station and home alone. I also took screenshots of her profile and all chats. But I feel this won’t matter if shit hits the fan. I’ve been on edge and feeling unwell since then. I’m considering just dropping everything and going back home for good, and just having someone take care of all my shit here.

  1. OP you definitely did not do this and you most certainly did not post it on the internet. If you had you would have definitely deleted this post and your entire account immediately.

    Rule #1 for this kind of stuff is it is something your friend did, not you.

  2. This is not your fault. The proof is her dating app profile with wrong age. Also restaurant/bar’s fault for not IDing you. But if she really looks young, you need to wake up and smell the coffee

  3. Not sure why you are so freaked out. She misrepresented her age (which there will be a record of on the app). You went out. You found out and did the right thing ending the date – hopefully tactfully.


  4. did you really just bail after dinner or did something else happen after? If you bailed after dinner you should be alright, if the police come you can show them the profile, and the chat. If you did some shit afterward, you could very well be in trouble.

  5. From what I hear that’s not all that uncommon an encounter with Japanese high school girls on dating apps. There was a big problem not too long ago with high school girls using dating apps to find older guys who would pay them. You could have run across one of those or a policewoman pretending to be one in order to see how far you would go with her.

  6. Chill the fuck out. If anything, your strong and awkward reaction would be the cause of her causing trouble. High school girls here are frequently more world-wise (depressingly) than men twice their age, and that includes drinking.

  7. You are most likely fine. This kind of stuff happens every day in Japan.

    I would like to say that you should be more careful in the future, but in reality, what can you do? Check the ID of everyone before you meet them for drinks?

  8. One more reason to go for a coffee or a walk, dinner is absolutely not necessary for a first date.

    Anyway, don’t worry too much. Probably nothing will happen.

  9. move on with life? High school student is between 16 and 18 yeah? in all likelyhood, nothing illegal happened that you are liable for. The restaurant should be checking ages of people they are serving, and if she misrepresented herself to the restaurant, thats on her.

    All she needs to do at a conbini is hit the “Yes I am” button anyhow.

    So, unless you actually screwed her at a love hotel and didn’t use a condom, move on. You can be friends or chat to young people. You probably shouldn’t take her on anymore dates, but unless you did a whole lot more than you are telling, calm yer tits.

  10. Right, because after this encouter you immediately ran back home to make a Reddit account so you could post this. And you totally mistook a high school student for someone in their early 20s, totally couldn’t figure out the person wasn’t an adult, and the high school student was totally not trying to get money from you and you totally didn’t have sex.

    And if you believe that, I have a Rainbow Bridge to sell you.

    Go away.

  11. Luckily for you, Japan isn’t very concerned with stopping things like this. Japan has a paedophilia problem so you’re more likely to get high fived by the police than arrested. Doubt they ever even investigate stuff like this unless the parents find out and really push the issue as something other than an innocent date (e.g., rape).

  12. To use a dating app in Japan you would need to provide some sort of ID with your age in it before being able to speak to anyone. In that case, she’s either using a fake ID or someone else’s to even get on the app. That’s fraud. I do hope you report her if not to the police but at least to the app for the situation it’s put you in.

  13. At first I thought “high school girl could still be 18yo” but this is Japan and alcohol is forbidden until 20…

    Is it the same crime to buy alcohol to a 17yo vs 18-19yo? Are they all considered the same underaged?

  14. you are in no shit. You end the date and went away. Didn’t have anything with her and you did the right thing. I understand your anxiety, i would have feel the same if i was in your situation. I am paranoid a lot too, so no worries, it’s gonna be fine

  15. Could Japan life not start a weekly Tall Stories thread, anyone who is halfway believable gets moved over to the main thread, where everyone can help.

  16. You’re gonna get deported tomorrow (/sarcasm)
    The age of consent in Japan is criminally low (IRONY!)
    You have very little to worry about legally. However, If you gave her any info about your employment, and if she’s bugfuck crazy, you could have some employment difficulties.

  17. If you had dinner and drinks at Hub you should have no problem. That place is pretty lax.

  18. To prevent this from happening again, go somewhere that serves alcohol, pull out your ID preemptively when you order your drink and ask your date to do the same. If they don’t, take it as a red flag and cut contact with them. Change your drink order to water too. There is something very off about a high school girl looking for dates with older foreign men.

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