Internet advice – Nuro biz vs NTT Flets Hikari for small business

I need to get internet set up for a new office for a small business and currently hesitating between Nuro Biz (Nuro Access) 2G and NTT Flets Hikari 法人向け

Nuro biz Access standard plan:
18k per month including provider
2Gbit down
10 Mbit dedicated bandwidth guaranteed at all times

NTT Flets Hikari for business:
8.5k per month
Need to add 1~2k for provider
Includes phone line/phone number over fiber
No guaranteed bandwidth

Basically I think I will get better speed/service/router etc from Nuro. But not sure if it’s overkill or not. And would like to get a phone number, so not sure how I can get that separately if going with Nuro. Maybe Flets is good enough if it doesn’t slow down too much in practice, but not sure what to expect.

Not too concerned about the price difference, not too significant at the scale of a small business.

If anybody more knowledgeable here has experience with these services, advice would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Lots of businesses use flets and included hikaridenwa, you don’t need a guaranteed service. with flets, you could still apply for an ISP which has a SLA for min bandwidth, and NTT also has stuff like フレッツ光ネクストビジネスタイプ so you have some options (other than nuro).

    nuro also comes with its own router you can’t replace. this is a big no for me.

  2. I have a 1gb flets法人 at a house I rent out. The only difference is when you have an issue, they will come right out and fix it for you. I see the 法人 as the regular residential one with a premium support plan for 1000-2000 yen a month more. I’ve called them twice in like 9 years, both times they came right out and fixed my issue. None of that we don’t have open appointment slots until next month stuff. I thought about Nuro too but read too many negative things about the residential service to give it proper consideration.

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